Man gets 15-30 years for killing his wife after she killed his son


This is something you have to send someone to jail for, but 15 years minimum before the uni + anger management? Give him 4 years max. If not that, just psychiatric treatment. A crime, but a very justifiable crime.

I don’t know, man. If I caught my wife in the midst of killing our children, I just…I just…

…I’d be joining that muff hugga, shortly…

If I ever caught someone doing something like this to my children, damn sure I’d be right there with him. I understand that there has to be some type of punishment for something of this magnitude but this still adds up to absolute bullshit.

Nice big bet that the wife was alienating the little girl from her father by villainizing him. That would explain her comment about how she wishes he’d go to jail Regardless of how true it may or may not have been, you DON’T do that to a child.

Also betting that the father was about to get custody, or looked like he could be about to get it.

It’s a fucked situation no matter what. No matter what he did, he’d lose either way :frowning:

What a sad thing.

I would’ve tortured that bitch too. Anger management… so, you’re supposed to be perfectly calm after seeing that your wife or anyone has just murdered your child? Yeah, fuck you judge… she’d get her ass beat to death too…perhaps many years later, after I pretend to be ok and rehabilitated from my “anger management issues”, and become good friends with her… one day when she least expected it— BOOM dead as a muthafucka, beautiful violence completely out of left field before she even realizes what’s going on. Cops wouldn’t get there fast enough to save your dumbass, ho.

“Did you REALLY think I’d forget, Judge? Did you REALLY THINK I let that shit go?! WRONGGGGGGGGGG!” It would be such a perfect, real life “villain moment”.

Getting mollywhooped with a flashlight a few times in the dome wouldn’t take too long.

if she was previously hospitalised several times for mental illness why was she allowed to be around the kids?

What’s really gonna suck is when he comes out he won’t be able to relate to his daughter unless he gets a degree in Women Studies, aka bullshit.

I wouldn’t have killed her, and it’s not because of being whipped, but having a clear head.

He still has a 7-year old girl to think about, so why risk going to jail for meaningless (and yes, it IS meaningless) revenge? Killing your wife doesn’t bring your son back, and trying to kill yourself afterwords is even worse.

I understand how a man would snap and kill his wife after seeing that, but you guys who think that doing so is a good look (not pointing the finger at you Vynce) are morons.


Even, apparently, when mommy is batshit insane. Gotta be able to boast about “keeping families together”.

And because humans have this fucked-up moral system whereby killing someone by failing to act is seen as more forgiveable than killing someone by acting. Just look at how people react to the trolley problem in order to see how disgustingly selfish and cowardly the average person is. See, people don’t care about doing the right thing; they just care about making sure they don’t get their own hands dirty.

To anyone who thinks that the dad was doing his job as a fatherly protector/instrument of justice/whatever: no.

He was angry beyond the point of thinking, and, like an animal, he blindly lashed out at the source of that anger. That’s it. It had nothing to do with a rational concern for his family’s safety or his social role as a man. He saw something that temporarily broke his brain and he lost control of his actions.

I’m not saying that it’s not understandable, because it absolutely is. But let’s not go painting his actions as anything other than what they were.

Okay then, why don’t we go back, then, to the original letter and intent of the law, as it was created in this land?

i.e. no punishment for the insane and/or acts of insanity.

The very idea of punishment only works when the perpetrator knowing and deliberately commits an act of crime.

Our very legal system originated around this concept.

I’m all for gettin’ old, old fashioned, again.

Dude should be in a hospital, getting help.

And then he should be let free.

This is BS. I would have let the guy go. An eye for an eye!

If you guys wouldn’t have done the same, then you guys would be horrible parents.


If we would have done the same implies coherent thought.

In such a case, we should be held criminally responsible for making such a choice.

If we snap, like ol’ dude did, then there is no crime to prosecute.


First up this is more depressing than a nonstop David Fincher and Ingmar Bergman marathon. Seriously, though as often as these things pop up it never gets any easier to stomach.

On the moral front let’s step back and take a good look at the situation before making any rash judgments (too late for some of the more immature posters.) The woman has a history of mental illness so it’s most likely that’s why she killed her son instead of it being a willful choice AKA she most likely wasn’t responsible for her crime. The same can’t be said of the father who has no excuse, sure it’s human nature to be pissed off enough to kill the murderer of your family but wanting to murder and making the willful choice to actually carry it out are 2 completely different things.

It’s possible and understandable that the father had a mental breakdown and could have legitimately been temporarily insane AKA not responsible at the time however, it’s also possible and probably more likely that he was of sound mind and just made the conscious choice to kill her out of pure anger. What separates an adult from a immature little kid is that an adult can divorce him or herself from emotion and make practical, selfless, and morally sound decisions regardless of personal expense and it seems the father has realized he failed to do so.

I applaud the judge for meting out an evenhanded and rational sentence in the face of such a morally difficult case. She recognizes that he needs to be punished for murder but also knew to be lenient with the amount of years given due to the somewhat understandable circumstances. I guess the ignorant people here are okay with setting the example for their kids that it’s okay to preemptively kill but I’m not.

One can never reliably say what they would do in such a situation until they’re in it but if you can’t control your bloodlust long enough to dial 911 you deserve to be punished, I just hope the man and especially the daughter both get the psychological and emotional support they need in this difficult time. To all those who disagree with the sentencing I ask, what if someone you love killed someone else, would you also support the death of that loved one? because by all your own irrational rationale you would, and I hope that question exemplifies how archaic this “justified” bloodlust cycle really is.

Unless it’s immediate self defense there is no excuse to take the life of another IMO.

Except the law, and the very concept of crime and punishment say otherwise.

People are always baggin’ on The Patriot Act, and other instances of institutionalized treason, without ever so much as batting an eyelash at the fact that the very nature of our legal system has been usurped by vengeance.

Dude should get off, scott-free, if he was not in control.

*He arrived home Nov. 7 **to find Mason with a ribbon around his neck and Mercey with a scarf around hers. He thought both were dead. *Pappalardo tied a blue rope around her own neck in an attempt to kill herself, although prosecutors said she died from both strangulation and Smeltzer hitting her in the head with the flashlight.

He thought they were both dead. He beat his wife to death while she was trying to kill herself. He tried to kill himself after because he just lost everything, and then his daughter recovered and woke him up.

I’m through with anyone that thinks he should get a moment of time.

Reverse Chris Benoit.