Man claims to not eat for 70 years. Scientists study him

No one remembers the guy in the news that never fell a sleep his whole life? No sleep what so ever. Scientists studied him, and sure enough, for some reason the guy doesn’t need sleep.

Anyway dunno im sure there being a bit lax with never eating ANYTHING per say for 70 years… But human body is pretty weird… not to that guys extent of course but I know ever since I had C diff, I can barely eat 2 small meals a day. And ive actually gained weight. Doctors can’t explain it, they just say tests say im not malnourished supposedly so its ok lol. I remember I use to be able to eat large greesy pizza hut pan pizzas with bread sticks just as one of my 3 meals a day… back in the … well day… No more thats for sure. =/

Except that’s actually physically possible and more people have been documented with such a illness. Biologically you can’t exist with out water or nourishment, let a lone for 7 decades.

maybe he hoops his food?

I believe him.

You guys should also look up the documentary on buddha boy on youtube, interesting stuff. They talk about that old guy in this thread too. He said something about needing the sunlight to survive, giving him energy or whatever…some anime shit going on lol

im totally maining this guy in SF5

Does swallowing fire and not spitting it out count?

lol@ yoga starve. thats that new ultra.

India is fucking trolling hard.

Fact is not devoid of change. Who knows, maybe he’s the only guy that this has ever happend to. Like many posters before me said, the human body is just wierd. What about that guy that can eat almost anything like sharp blades, glass and other shit like that. He fully digest this stuff. Well, not digest, but he passes it through his system and shits it out. I’m sure there are only a handfull of people like him in the world that can do this and not die. I mean the guy ate a whole plane on tv for guiness.

There is a psychological disorder for people that do this, but they need treatment becasue when they eat odd shit, it’ll kill them. So maybe this guy is the one person in a million that can do this. Maybe all he needs is water.

Somebody digesting inedible objects is a thousand times more plausible than a guy going 70 years without eating.

I’d even say its more plausible that he’s a reptilian to explain than simply a human that doesn’t need to eat. A idea of a human that doesn’t need to eat doesn’t just challenge our understanding of the human body, but one of the most basic laws of physics.

Yes it does. There are a lot of calories in fire.

Plus they’re the easiest calories to burn.

wtf? YOu sure about that, or are you confusing the [media=youtube]fDMYXgp-6fI[/media]

This is 110% bullshit and I can’t believe people are giving this guy more than 2 seconds of their attention. This guy isn’t the first person to claim he/she could go without food. James Randi studied one of these guys for 2 days and then found that he had escaped to a Burger King in the night.

He had to have it his way…


I kinda think it can be just one of those freakish “believe it or not” rare abnormality. Its dramatic to say that if this case was true that it would challenge one of the “most basic laws of physics” (wouldn’t biology be more appropriate?) as if everything we know in life would be flipped upside down and turn into absolute turmoil. Now if this dhalsim motherfucker started levitating and teleported, yeah that fucking newton’s law straight up. But a man drying himself out for 70 years is cool but also meh in the grand scale of things imo.

This is not to say I believe what’s being claimed here. Hell i didn’t even read the article.

The laws of thermodynamics state that energy is required to sustain a system, otherwise entropy will occur. If a man whose cells require energy in the form of ATP doesn’t get any kind of nutrients-along with mineral and vitamin supplementation to initiate these metabolic processes, he will die.

Heck, humans can’t even produce our own Vitamin C, so he would’ve died from complications from infection (like scurvy) decades ago.

Nikola Tesla supposedly discovered the proper voltage to recharge the human body without sleep and it’s claimed that he went over a year without sleep. :pleased:

We simply do not know enough about the human body. Now excuse me while I go practice throwing fireballs.

Haven’t bothered to look this up. However, I’ve personally stumbled onto this in 2008. The human mind, at a certain frequency, can be energized from a totally different source. Not purposefully, but during “crazy time” I didn’t eat or sleep for close to 2 weeks and had never been healthier. When I was younger, I saw some guy on Letterman claiming to have never slept. I remember reading how Jesus fasted for 40 days before being tempted…yada yada. Never made logical sense.

This is just to say that this is nothing new. There’s no spiritual/psychological science digging deeply into these things but, upon studying the experience(during which time I gained 15lbs of muscle no less) I found many to have stumbled upon this. Truly, Man doesn’t live by bread and water alone. The placebo effect goes far beyond making a sugar pill potent, magically.

Strange as this is all to say, I’m sure most of these things are hoaxes. Still, science is attempting to tap into this unlimited energy source and I’ve found that I’m not the only one that claims to have stumbled upon this, personally and has tried to explain it(many others claim to have physically tapped into this energy as well). I even have a li’l book of instructions on how to cause it if I ever really feel the need to mess with things that are clearly beyond me.

The human body is indeed a machine far more remarkable and perfect than we’ve been allowed to discover. The idea that this guy(from reading the thread) seems to blame the sun for his energy makes 100% sense to me since, during that time and all that I was drawn to do to myself, physically, was so that the sun would have the proper reaction intended for the body. Conscious evolution occurs in this way unlike the so-called consistency in education which is viewed as the cause.

Even stranger, as beings, I can’t help but feel that we are incomplete until making this attachment. That’s when the creation of man is complete and we have access to things most are still oblivious to.

This life giving energy this guy is gaining from the sun is what some stories wrongfully label “love” and call the most powerful thing. Science is naming it many things as it tries to derive this energy. There’s really no believing that the body itself can access this energy. It counters logic because of ignorance. We call it tachyon energy, zero point energy…etc. It’s all the same thing.

This guy may be all wack but, the phenomena is very real. Of course, this is SRK. By all means assume I decided to randomly post lies on a topic to make myself look… like an idiot, lol.

Coming from India? Not surprising at all.
