Man asks Kickstarter for 10$ to make Potato Salad.........wait for it

It’ll become a feed the homeless thing with all the extra potato salad is my guess

EDIT: Also, I’m amazed FGC has any time for kickstarter/indiegogo at all after the whole Yatagarasu: Attack On Cataclysm fiasco

what did umezono do with my $40

Or whoever is running the thing. I guess. Also you think this thing = FGC. why. you’re not in one of the “FGC” forums.

Yeah, there’s one for coleslaw too. :rofl:

Hmmm :coffee:

Was more Paypal’s crowdfunding “policy” that they made up on the spot, not the fault of the crowdfunder itself per se. Paypal withheld a huge chunk of the Yatagarasu pledge money, to the point that it was putting a threat on the game’s development. It’s pretty old news now, but it’s amazing how people still trust paypal and the crowdfunding model (myself included) after something like that happens (same happened with Skullgirls IIRC?). I suppose it shows how willing we are to invest in the idea itself, rather than the potential of it, which is kinda nice in away. Shows people still believe in hope.

Most people donating are not going to understand the logistics, and definitely not in this for fun one. If it actually does go thru Elon Musk’s Paypal, and its decision making to hold on like that.

So, his “The entire Internet is invited”

Might go down better than that EVO wedding thread: “The entire FGC is invited!”

@p0tat0 5alad

EDIT: Space screwing up the tag…seriously, SRK?

yeah… " Potato Salad " the new word for move that dope

My favorite part about this entire ordeal is the SALTINESS of real charities, honorable causes, and philanthropists. They are trying to divert as much money from this potato salad bullshit as they can and funnel the money into their own cause.

Sorry but people like dumb shit. We know that’s true by the quick stardom of BuzzFeed. That said, you shouldn’t cockblock this dude because your cause–no matter how noble it may be–ain’t getting shit.

What’s there to do about it? If people wanna give their money to something then they’ll do it. It doesn’t really go against any rules.

Geez, imagine how much money he’d have if he chose something other than potato salad.

Potato salad is fucking garbage.

He should have chosen a nice pasta, or salsa, or a nice chili.

chili would have made him a millionaire.

I know this shit’s dumb, but y’all are acting like people don’t already spend their money on dumb stuff.

true enough, although there is something unique about this. its like the sole gratification is making a show of how stupidly you spend your money, as opposed to buying something useless on amazon cause you were drunk.

but your point still stands. if you’re going to take umbrage with something, you’re wasting it on this story. thanks to SRK we all know the internet is great at unifying stupid people

Should rename the kickstarter to the “Make sensible people die a little inside fund”.
It’s funny, but at the same time I’ve lost a shitload of faith in humanity from this. Troll level: Very High.

This guy got $57 000 doing absolutely nothing. This is even worse than those idiots asking for money to make a brony island. Any asteroids out there; hit Earth soon pl0x.

White people and capitalism is an amazing combination…

Ziggans talking about this affecting Kickstarters legitimacy…that was lost a 2 years ago when Anita Sarkeesian conned all those dummies into donating over 100k to do shitty youtube videos lol

Yeah but that would kill everybody.
I prefer a lethal virus that only kills bronies and Republicans.

well, people already pay for stupid shit everyday, so I guess… this…is… acceptable???
If this gets to 100k, however, I better see some kind of “potato salad Kitchen”