Mame Spider's Ultimate Web Throw

So, in this recent EVO 2012 battle between Mame Spider and Clockwork I have a “how to” question.


At the end of the battle at 6:53, after beating Amaterasu the partner jumps in, which is Strider. Mame then does the Ultimate Web Throw, which catches the incoming partner and opens up for a combo. Even before this match I have tried to get the Ultimate Web Throw to connect on incoming opponents and it would never connect, I drilled it last night as well and the same thing happened, I could not get the Ultimate Web Throw to connect with an incoming partner. Does anyone have any idea how he did this? How did Mame Spider connect the Ultimate Web Throw to an incoming opponent after KOing the previous character?

The incoming player did a double jump. When you come in after a dead character you are invulnerable until you block or perform an action.

Perfect, thank you! I didn’t even see the double jump.

If you look VERY CLOSELY at Strider when he comes in, Clockw0rk fucks up

This always pisses me off on how Clockw0rk double jumped. It’s not more or less that he lost, but more that it makes Spiderman look like he has unblockable incoming attacks by the way the commentators describe it.