Alright this is my first stab at a tutorial and its a mini one at that. I know most of this has been covered but I think Makoto’s a real in depth character - I wish there was a video for her like thre is for Oro (Oro Man Of Gold video). But since I don’t have those video abilities I’ll give text a shot and hopefully others will add in. I don’t take credit for any of the information here as I didn’t create the combos I just am sharing them. Oh and I don’t claim to be a makoto expert - but I think I have the theory down fairly well, just need to work on my mechanics.
First lets discuss her normals.
Short - I only use this for zoning and karas. By zoning I mean doing lk, mk combo to push me away.
Forward - i use this rarely as an antiair and otherwise only after a lk
Roundhouse - almost never use this move - karaUOH is somewhat useful with it but more about that later.
Jab - useful reset otherwise i don’t use this too much
Strong - again i rarely use this
Fierce - you’re all in one plan. it stuns, it deal damage, and it starts SA1, SA2, Hayate, or EX KarateChop - if your opponent is on the ground and you get a parry in… this or Karakusa is definately the way to go usually
Short - Never use it
Forward - To stuff … almost everything. It’s also a full fledged Urien killer
Roundhouse - Meter builder and anti air. I don’t use it to often as AA but it can be done its just kinda slow.
Jab - I use this after a blocked UOH to then dash in and throw.
Strong - Reach! Its got good reach and speed. Unfortunately people come to expect it after certain parries but it still proves itself useful in zoning back out.
Fierce - Makoto’s sweep attack. Its very useful. Use it as a quick sweep. It appears to have lots of range. I’m not a frame reader so I don’t know specifics but I think its one of the quicker sweeps, I think the range is somewhat a deception though because of her positioning. Still useful though as Makoto is all about getting your opponent to stay down.
I’m not gonna list them all out cause most of them say "I don’t use this much."
Basically I tend to use the rh, fp, and mk aerial attacks. Primarily mk if its air to ground. rh or fp if its air to air.
Towards + :
Towards + Strong: Can be used as a reset but its rarely used
Towards + Fierce: Nice move for mindgames and mixup. Not used often but its still nice. If you hold it for the extra hits it does a lot of damage.
Towards + Short: Never use
Towards + Forward: Mixup! Also if you’re playing people that don’t know Makoto do RH after it for extra damage. Even if they block the RH part it pushes you back further which is always good since its not to safe otherwise
Towards + Roundhouse: Mixup times 2!
Hold down version - sidesteps Makoto forward. Awesome mixup into something else. Nice to use into the Towards + MK or just into Karakusa.
Released version - a sweep technique without crouching. Its pretty good but I tend to fake more since everyone expects the follow through for some reason.
Specials: Coming Soon