PSN: lawlcakezxD
Location: San Jose, CA
Skill Level: Okay I guess?
Secondary/Alt Characters: Guile
XBL: Clayton Samus
Location: Los Angeles,CA
Skill level: Intermediate/Advanced.
Main: Makoto
Alt Characters: Cody, Duds.
Srk/xbox/gfwl: mcgowanshewrote (xbox is basically fried so don’t expect to find me there)
Location : Baltimore Maryland- go ravens!
Skill level: above “beginner” a few steps below "solid"
Main: makoto
Secondaries: none
Also if people would like to see my primary occupation (artist) you can check my website
XBL: wirestyle22
Location: Toms River NJ
Skill level: Intermediate/Advanced
Main: Makoto
I hate mirrors.
SRK Handle: vctini
PSN: miz1290
Location: USA Goldsboro, NC
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Sakura, Ryu, E. Ryu, Cammy