SRK Handle: autobzooty
PSN ID: autobzooty
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
Skill Level: Just a little bit better than a noob
Secondary/Alt Characters: I dunno yet.
SRK Handle: ChfMojoRising
PSN ID: ChfMojoRising
Location: New York
Skill Level: Moderate
Secondary/Alt Characters: Sakura, Juri (maybe Ibuki and Cammy)
SRK Handle: TheSnail
PSN Gamertag: snailsplease
Location: Duluth, Minnesota
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Honda, Boxer, Hakan
Been playing SF my whole life, but didn’t get into IV until SSFIV released, so still learning.
SRK Handle: treyx1
PSN Gamertag: treyx1
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Fei Long, Adon, T.Hawk
Xbox GT: AntoineDiamonds
Location: Dirty Jerz
Skill Level: average…still getting used to ssf4 from 3’s
Alt: Dictator
SRK Handle: Wufftype
XBL Gamertag: wufftype
Location: London, United Kingdom
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Rose
SRK handle: Chewster
PSN: The_chewster, scrubXL
Location: The Netherlands
Skill level: Still learning Mak
Secondary/Alt characters: Sakura, Seth, Juri, Rose.
SRK handle: Kiiroe
XBL: Kiiroe
Location: AZ
Skill level: alright
Secondary: Sakura Hakan
SRK handle: Keepy989
XBL: ShoddyOperation
Location: NY
Skill level: Low Just got the game two days ago
Secondary: None, Just Makoto as a main
SRK Handle: weika
PSN Username: weika77
Location: New Jersey , NJ
Skill Level: Average…I guess.
Secondary/Alt Characters: Akuma, Ryu, C.Viper.
SRK Handle: hayate.fury
XBL Username: cocacolalover
Location: Chino Hills, CA
Skill Level: Ok, my Mak needs lots of work
Other Main: Chun Li
SRK Handle: Bampfer
PSN ID: bampfer
Location: Mexico
Skill Level: I suck, but I try.
Secondary/Alt Characters: Rose,Cammy,Sakura
SRK Handle: spektrum
XBL Gamertag: spektrum SRK
Location: North Florida
Skill Level: above average
Secondary/Alt Characters: cammy, ibuki, honda, rufus, ryu
SRK Handle : Tide
XBL Gamertag Tide Demon
Skill level Beginner ssfiv is my first fighting game and I’m learning to use an arcade stick at the same only been at it about 2 weeks at the most : )
Secondary/Alt Characters Sakura
Hey, I’m looking for EU Makoto players. Right now I mostly play Rufus, Guile and Seth. Add me on psn or steam for some games, my steam id/psn is DonkeyKnifer
SRK Handle: Acailyn
PSN: Acailyn
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Skill Level: You be the Judge.
Secondary/Alt Characters: Guy, Gen.
SRK Handle: beastSPL
XBL Gamertag: beastSPL
Location: North Florida
Skill Level: average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Blanka
PSN: N54Power
Location: Long Beach, California/Toba, Japan
Skill Level: New Player
SRK Handle: Phibrizzo
PSN: Phibrizzo
Location: Carrollton,Ga
Skill: Average
Location: Fairfax, VA
Skill: Average
Secondary: Abel (Mained in SSFIV)
Alts: Cody, Ryu, Zangief