Makoto Finally Won a Major!

Japan capcom cup qualifier
It’s about time :slight_smile:

Indeed it is.

Shobu Ja!
Ikuze yo!

Today, the Mak Truck finally prevailed. FUCK YEA!

I thought my heart was gonna explode during the quarter-finals and finals. Too much excitement for this old guy.

Dammit, I fell asleep just after the cosplay show with the Chun and Rose cosplayers.
Gotta check all dem vods.

On one hand it’s cool to see this because people will start respect her more as a good character ( yeah, some people still think she’s mid tiers somehow ) but with glory come people being bitchy.
Oh well.

From the first two matches, I thought the set was going to be a shut-out for Fei-Long.
Had me at the edge of my seat biting my nails… hype.

I knew the results before I watched archives unfortunately but while watching them I thought “how does Haitani do this?!” Dude’s amazing.

Didn’t get a chance to watch it, but damn, couldn’t be happier about this.

Anyone have a link on YT for the matches? I’m trying to learn Makoto.

Not sure on Youtube but you can watch the TGS Capcom Cup qualifiers here
Top 8 starts with Haitani vs Choco. Just skip to around 4hr 35min mark. It’s good to watch the whole thing anyway.

Single elim, but we’ll take it.

wouldn’t you say that that is just as legit?

The semi and final were all 5 to 4 down to the last round, and Haitani got a bit lucky with the Ultra2 hitting a crouch jab against Juso. Let’s be honest, Makoto won a major, but it was a bit shaky at times lol.

I think he did very well. Indeed he got lucky, but everyone get’s a little lucky sometimes. Atleast it happened when it mattered most.

Luck is a pretty big factor in fighters in general.

Haitani is doing very good at TGU :

He won vs Infiltration twice in a bo3.
This is grand Finals right now. Haitani comes from looser bracket while facing Xian.
EDit: He finished 2nd.

Pretty good run.
Make me confident that he will perform good at Capcom cup.
He still does better in long sets, as proved by the first ft5 in Grand finals, comcing back from 0-3.

GG to GS|Gllty in Final round 18, she ended 33rd (same rank as PR-Balrog or Justin Wong). I only saw one fight, it was gorgeous.

Good stuff, she played well. And she totally played the stream too, it was hilarious.