Damn, quite a lot of info here. Thanks a lot for your efforts LTP.
No problem… just trying to give some life to this forum and get more people to play this character. I really think that this kind of project helps everyone level up their game too.
Last video. Neutral game and assists. Some of the footage might look familiar to one of you… it’s what happens when you invite me to a game when I’m busy recording lol. Don’t worry, I blacked out gt’s the best I could (using wingdings actually lol).
And here’s the YouTube playlist I made for the tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2458095F09EE3547&feature=mh_lolz
I’m probably going to make a new thread to organize everything to make everything easier to read/edit. I’m also going to see if this can get a mention on the front pages of SRK and EventHubs in the coming days. We’ll see how that goes…
Why you gotta beat on my 1 month Wesker like that? Why not show HULK?
Then again, my old as ish dok got his face ran on too lol
Haha it was only one game with only 3 touches I think for the win. If I showed Hulk, I wouldn’t be showing how to play dok properly, would I? :eek: By the time I got to that part, I already had too much content. But seriously, I hate Hulk, though not nearly as much as online Taskmaster and especially online Strider. Any good point Strider online OCVs any of my teams free. That BS online is unblockable. I’d take online Zero over online Strider any day.
You know I have a cool trick against online strider, it’s called DOOM I’ve been playing against so much trench coat + swords teams. I’m all about burning X factor on strider and murkin meter. He generally dies so fast you’ll have enough juice to murk one other guy with a good mixup. I’ve also started using xchanges more to make Vergil anchors more manageable.
It’s getting the hit that is the problem. The other problem is that it is usually DrewGrimey trolling me with point Strider Though my derp j.2H Vergil sometimes can work. My main offline training partner runs Vergil anchor, so I know all about snapping in that guy.
Good stuff, LTP.
The only thing I would add is that you can do DHC unblockable setup with Modok.
Like you can use Storm’s Hail Storm or Trish’s Round Harvest and force hit them with a meaty super. Then you dhc into MODOK’s battering ram super, and you use MODOK’s unblockable+additional’s help from a lockdown assist.
Thanks! I’ll add that to the new thread soon.