Making a Modok Tutorial

I don’t really use it that much. The main situation I use it in is when someone snaps in doom or sentinel and I need to get them out of there safely. Luckily for me I have also been practicing the corner side TAC combo, but i’ve been finding it alot harder to do than the midscreen one in my opinion.

Just curious, what midscreen side TAC are you doing? Could you please notate it?

Looking back at what I wrote for the mixups section, I realize that I’m a bit lacking in finding ways to bait people trying to do advancing guard… which seems really difficult, since most characters can simply dash up and stagger their light attacks. That is not something dok has the liberty of doing lol. Dealing with advancing guard seems more feasible with dok through use of his assists, but I need to go to the lab to find something that consistently keeps the pressure going. Perhaps something like: jump, adf and :a1:, j.:m: (anticipated AG), dash, cr.:l: (or cr.:h:?), :h: cube? Gotta look into that more. Personally, my mixup game is terrible. The only one I consistently do is (jump, adf, j.:l:)x2… which is a good risk to take every now and then since it is hard to punish and beats pretty much everything outside of advancing guard and people just trying to block, but it has some problems. I need to at least start going straight into cr.:h: after the first IAD j.:l: or j.:m:. The rest is just right into blockstrings, which doesn’t work. I don’t even go for cr.:h:, jump, add, cr.:h: in the corner. If anyone has some really good mixups/pressure options, please let me know! I sorely need to find something better…

Anyway, the reset section should hopefully be finished and posted sometime tonight/early morning tomorrow.

I’m using the one from nos science video that he put up awhile back. I think it is the last TAC combo in the TAC combos section of the video.

Alright, I’ll look back on that later. I never really attempted learning the midscreen TACs… I’m sure up and down TACs midscreen are similar to the side TAC midscreen? I’ll add that to the end of my list of things to look at in the lab…

Anyway, the reset section is finished! :slight_smile: Let me know what you guys think. It seems oddly short this time around… not sure if good or not. I think I touched on most resets though.

Also, here is Caveman’s unblockable reset that was mentioned in the last section and in the beginning of this one. Honestly, I’m disappointed at the lack of exposure this has… someone has to do this in tournament.

9 – Resets

There is only one reset that every MODOK player should know and would like to setup, and it involves doing the unblockable air grab setup mentioned in the previous section. To perform this reset, you simply must be one back dash away from the corner, with your wallbounce already used, and you do: :f::h:, jump, add, cr.:m:, fly, adf (opponent techs after :f::h:’s fixed amount of hitstun, since it is immune to hitstun deterioration), back air grab, buffer j.:m: in case the air grab is teched. This situation is usually very easy to setup after your basic BnB. Your BnB always leaves you in the corner, so just adjust your assist based ender to set up this reset. This would look something like: back dash and call :a1:, cr.:m:, :l: blaster, :f::h:, :l: cube, :f::h:, unblockable reset. If you get the air grab, you get a free combo back to the other corner… where once again, you can go for the unblockable reset using your assists. If you get the unblockable with j.:m: and cr.:m:, you can follow up with a cr.:h:, into combo… where you can once again, set up this unblockable reset with your assists. For many characters, this gives you a free, meterless ToD. There are a couple ways to escape this, but thankfully, they are few and far between. Air hypers with invincibility can escape when they tech, and select assists can avoid the cr.:m: on the floor and mess up the reset… though bad assist calls can give you two characters to finish. Some small characters can also neutral tech, and due to their size, they can squeeze out of the reset. Combine this reset with a powerful lockdown assist (like Jam Session) to pretty much guarantee an unblockable on incoming characters, and then MODOK looks very top tier on paper.

Of course, there are other reset options available, although they are far less powerful. A very basic one revolves around the commonly used air throw resets. After your basic BnB, you can do cr.:m:, :l: cube, then jump up immediately for a back air throw. You can also do this in the middle of your assist based combo extension and/or using a light attack instead of cubes.

Another reset is to do a homing bomb after :f::h: in the corner in case they are jammed/mashing. Not the best, but it is something. In a similar manner, you can find a way to get another launcher in, do sj.:l:, and then sj.:s:, which catches all techs. One problem with this is that you can get thrown.

You can get better resets if you utilize your assists. For example, do cr.:m: and :a1:, :l: blaster. The opponent techs on the ground and immediately must block your lockdown assist :a1:. You can either go high or low from there. If they did a forward tech, they may or may not roll in front of you, adding more confusion. You can similarly set up this kind of situation at the end of your assist based combo extension with :f::h: and :a1:, :l: or :m: blaster.

The last resets I have are different follow ups to an HBR ender in the corner. Make sure your direct HBR in the following order so you have time to land safely and apply pressure afterwards: forward (automatic), up, forward, forward, down. Once you land, you can do: super jump up back, sj.:h:, adf, sj.:s:, into combo. This follow up catches all techs, but they can easily mash their way out of it. You can also opt to wait a second to see how they tech and go for either an air throw or go for sj.:l: into combo.

Note that you should always try to jam your opponent during your assist based combo extension before you try going for your reset, so that your reset has a better chance of working.

So, I went into the lab and found a couple interesting things, one of which is a nice bit of cube tech I haven’t seen. Perhaps this is what you found too Worstplayer?

So for getting an extra cube at the beginning of your combo, you usually end up sacrificing a lot of damage due to both hitstun deterioration and damage scaling. It usually goes something like this: cr.:l:, st.:m:, cr.:h:, jump, adf, j.:m:, dash, cr.:l:, cr.:m:, :l: cube, etc. With a IAD j.:l: starter, I cannot do my relaunch if I choose to do this, but there is a better way to get that extra cube in midscreen (2 ways actually). You can do: cr.:l:, st.:m:, cr.:h:, :m: cube, dash, cr.:l:, st.:s:, into full combo. Or you can do: cr.:l: st.:m:, cr.:h:, :h: cube, dash, st.:s:, into full combo. The second one is easier, but the first one can be done closer to the corner. This is a nicer way of getting a cube without sacrificing a lot of damage.

Moving on, I found a lot of good pressure options, since I wanted to find better mixups (specifically for dealing with advancing guard). This turned out well and I found a lot of good stuff, both with just dok and dok with Mag’s Hyper Grav. I’m not sure how I’ll be adding this to the tutorial, but I’ll just go ahead and state what I found.

First off, an IAD j.:m: helps set up a lot of frame traps. (IAD j.:m:, cr:h:)xN is a bunch of frame traps. Similarly, IAD j.:l:, cr.:h: is a frame trap. IAD j.:m: IAD, j.:l: is a frame trap. The one that is really nice however is IAD j.:m:, back dash, st.:m:. This is great because not only does it beat mashing buttons, it beats mashing throws too (I tested this with shield skills specifically too). From that st.:m:, you can easily just combo into cr.:h:, etc. Combined with assists (as you will soon see), this becomes ridiculous.

Now, some stuff I found with hyper grav. The first sequence is: jump, adf and call grav, j.:m:, dash, cr.:h:, jump, adf, j.:m:. The first j.:m: does not combo. When j.:m: is blocked, mashing beats cr.:h:, but the hyper grav acts as a combo breaker and gives you a free combo. If the first j.:m: is pushblocked, the dash cr.:h: still keeps the pressure going. Mashing a ground throw, however, ruins the whole thing.

The next one I found is: jump, adf and call grav, j.:m:, cr.:h:, :h: cube. Everything past the first j.:m: gives you a full combo. The j.:m: to cr.:h: is a frame trap, but it can be beat by mashing throw. If j.:m: is pushblocked, :h: cube and hyper grav can still hit if they are mashing afterwards for a full combo. This sequence is very similar in purpose as the last one.

Now my favorite one is this next one, since it is completely safe, where only pushblocking leaves both you and your opponent in a fairly neutral state. The sequence is: jump, adf, call grav and j.:m:, back dash, st.:m: (1 hit), :b::h:, :l: blaster, (if hyper grav hits, dash, cr.:l:, st.:s:, into full combo). The first j.:m: does not combo. j.:m:, back dash, st.:m: is the frame trap explained above that beats mashing buttons/throw. If the first j.:m: hits or is blocked, st.:m: will be able to chain into :b::h:, and :b::h: is kept safe because of lockdown by hyper grav, leaving you close to you opponent for pressure with a shield in their face, or at least you will be in a somewhat neutral position with a shield out, ready to spam projectiles, should st.:m: be pushblocked. If the first j.:m: is pushblocked, st.:m: will whiff, meaning that :b::h: will not come out. Hyper grav then gives you some cover and :l: blaster will come out, since before when :b::h: can come out, :l: blaster would come out since you cannot special cancel :b::h:. This leaves you back in a relatively neutral position. Now the great thing is, when j.:m: is not pushblocked and they get caught not blocking the frame trap st.:m:, st.:m: combos into hyper grav, and you recover quick enough from :b::h: to do dash, cr.:l:, st.:s: for a full combo.

I’ll update the tutorial with what relevant information that is here some other time.

Ltp, I didn’t mention this before, but in your bnb the hitstun issues are reduced if you relaunce with cr.m, flight, j.h, addf, s instead of cr.m s. I’m not near a console to test but that cube combo you posted may work with the different extension. I never used to do that relaunch due to the finnicky hsd. Now, its much more cosistent but a bit more dexterity is needed. For example, my modok/doom combo is a variation of this bnb:
(Cr.h, ad j.m)x3, s, sj.mmhs, cr.m~fly, j.h, addf s+doom, sj.h, l blaster, addf j.s, lcube, (missles hit), lbombx2, etc…

Damn, I have to test that relaunch out. I never would have thought it possible to get 2 air combos in with that much before the first air series.

EDIT: Are you sure that relaunch works? I still find the cr.m, st.s relaunch to be at least easier, if not more consistent. I can get the relaunch with cr.m, st.s and not cr.m, fly, j.h, addf, st.s with only (cr.h, IAD j.m)x2, air series.

I made a couple additions/changes again. I notated a side corner TAC, added info about adding an extra cube at the beginning of your BnB, made a quick note about doing combos in a happy birthday situation, and made a slight update to the mixup section. I actually ran out of space for the Combo section :frowning: oh well.

Anyway, I finished the rest of the written tutorial! :slight_smile: That’s 10,039 words and 18 pages in a Word document… the longest and most enjoyable essay I’ve ever written >_>. Thank you all who are reading this giant wall of text! I will start working on the video “prototype” soon to go along with everything, and perhaps give a little extra detail. Once again, tell me what’s missing or wrong. If there is something I haven’t mentioned in the entirety of this tutorial that should be mentioned regarding MODOK, please, let me know!

Oh, and I’ll be posting the videos here as I go. Once they are all done, perhaps I should create a new thread to organize everything nicely so people don’t have to scroll through this one?

10 – XFactor

MODOK is not a character that can abuse XFactor particularly well, but it’s still good to know what he can do should the situation present itself. MODOK’s XFactor guard cancel options aren’t spectacular, since with light attacks have terrible range, but he can still go for a normal grab or Killer Illumination. Burning XFactor at the beginning of your combos do turn them into ToDs, should you wish to take out a problem character. In the end, you have to go to the lab to see how your assists work in extending your combos in XFactor levels 1 and 2, but there are some general notes that may be of use here. In XFactor level 1, everything is pretty much the same, but for your first air series, it is probably best to drop a j.:m: and simply do: sj.:m:, sj.:h:, sj.:s:. In XFactor level 2, things start getting a little crazier and you want to keep your assist combo extensions as easy as possible. For both of your air combos, you want to do: sj.:m:, sj.:h:, sj.:s:.

There are only a couple of things you should know about XFactor level 3. The first is this combo: cr.:h:, jump, adf, j.:m:, dash, st.:s:, sj.:m:, sj.:h:, sj.:s:, relaunch, sj.:m:, sj.:h:, sj.:s:, cr.:m:, :l: blaster, HBR. This combo KOs the whole cast and builds about a meter and a half while in XFactor level 3. There is also an infinite in XFactor level 3 that can be done in the corner, and can be set up when MODOK’s wallbounce is used. The infinite is: ( :f::h:, :l: bomb)xN.

11 – MODOK’s Basic Neutral Game

MODOK’s neutral game requires you to press a lot of buttons to put a lot of stuff on screen at the right time in order to limit your opponent’s options while keeping your pressure relatively safe. The kind of neutral game you want to play also is weighted by what kind of neutral assists you have at your disposal.

The first thing MODOK needs to set up any safe pressure is to put some space between MODOK and the opponent. If you have a good get off me assist or zoning assist, it is usually a good idea to super jump up back, air dash down back while whiffing j.:m: (to put a nice hitbox in front of you as you land, which can be followed up for a full combo if it hits), and calling your assist and throwing out an :l: blaster. If you have a lockdown assist, calling that assist and dashing in with sj.:l: lets you get some really quick, relatively risk free pressure in, which you can quickly cancel into a barrier to help get your momentum started. With pretty much any kind of assist, calling the assist and crossing over the opponent head is great. When the assist is giving your opponent trouble, dash back down to the ground and apply pressure or put some space between you and your opponent for some zoning.

Once you have your space built and have a bit of momentum going, it’s time to start going nuts. In general, you want to slowly but surely inch forward, pushing your opponent to the corner, where MODOK’s pressure, especially with assists, is ridiculous. This is usually done by careful usage of your neutral assists and projectiles. You want to throw out lots of cubes, blasters, and cr.:m:s while abusing your neutral assist. Cancel cr.:m: into cubes and blasters. Throw out barriers on your way forward if they help with the matchup while your opponent is distracted by your assist. If your opponent is trying to rush you down, let them try coming to you. Between the cubes, cr.:m:s, and your assist, you will get some great pressure and likely a hit in for a combo. You generally want to be grounded to really apply pressure and use your assists, while sniping your opponent’s assists with :l: blaster. Every now and then, you might want to take to the air. If you are forced to do so due to rush down, try to get back down as quickly as possible before your opponent gets to use an assists, or at least try to avoid it before returning to the ground. Use :l: cube, :h: bomb, and sj.:l: in an attempt to get these characters away from you when you try returning to the ground. When they take to the air themselves, stay up there or follow them and try getting a combo going with :l: cube or snipe them out of the air with a blaster and quickly dash back down to the ground while whiffing j.:m: to get your grounded pressure going again. The only other time you want to go airborne is to keep your assist calls safer by being in a position to punish attempts at punishing your assist on the ground with things like hypers, and it is also a really quick way of getting in on your opponent with your physical attacks.

From there, just adjust your neutral game to whatever matchup you are facing. Know what your opponent wants to do, know what your opponent can do to fight your options, and know what tools you have that you can get away with and abuse them. If a character wants to be in your face, try as much zoning as possible with some safe rushdown pressure thrown in for good measure. If a character wants to zone, depending on your assists and theirs, try outzoning or take to the air and make a careful approach in. If you go the zoning route, know their tools and use yours to beat them. Usually just getting a barrier out will win the battle.

Now, I will just give a few short matchup specific examples. Wesker has nothing for you at super jump height. If he starts throwing out gunshots at full screen, jump up there with some blasters, and when he tries to throw you, use :l: cube, :h: bomb, and sj.:l: to deter that. Characters like Nova and Spencer love zipping across the screen at normal jump height. :m: cube stops that easy approach. Zero and Vergil like to go nuts. Abuse your assist and go airborne. Throw out lots of cubes and bombs and be ready to confirm off of them for a combo when they j.:h: into them. Put a lot of space between you and them and get airborne if they get too close. Hawkeye is obnoxious. If you have the team synergy for it and your opponent’s isn’t that great, zone and throw out barriers while inching forward when you can. Use the invincibility of Killer Illumination to avoid Gimlets. Taskmaster is also annoying. Watch out for the Legion arrows super and shield skills. Inch forward, make careful assist calls, and outzone him. Morrigan backed by missiles? Don’t let it start. Call neutral assist, :l: blaster, and continue with the basic neutral game while sniping the missiles assist call. Fly away if it gets started and wait it out unless you have a great DHC, but otherwise, you should be control. Hulk? Get some space and do the basic neutral game for the KO. Captain America is interesting. Watch out for Charging Star and try using your assist to get a barrier out on the ground, so it isn’t a problem. His Stars and Stripes hyper cannot be punished by Killer Illumination, so watch out for that as well.

12 – Assists for MODOK

MODOK benefits a lot from pretty much every class of assist. He likes lockdown, zoning, low, get off me, and combo extension assists. When choosing the right assist, you want the assist that benefits you the most in the neutral game while providing as many of the functions listed above as possible. Arguably the best assist for MODOK is Doom’s hidden missiles, since they provide lockdown, help with zoning, act as a combo breaker, and are great for combo extension. Other notable assists include drones, vajra, double lariat, senpu bu, jam session, rapid slash, quick work, and slant shot (grapple). These all have some practical use in the neutral game and also allow for other things such as combo extension. Look at what your characters’ assists and see what works best for your team, and even check to see what THCs are attached to the different assists if it is hard to choose.

13 – MODOK’s Assists

MODOK has three very interesting assists to choose from. Find out which work best for your team.

Barrier: This acts exactly as it does when MODOK is on point. This could be used to help zone, keep the pressure going, or with incoming mixups.

:m: Blaster: This move acts a bit different compared to when MODOK is on point. This move no longer causes a soft knockdown. This assist is great for the typical beam usage. It is great for teleport shenanigans and knocking out other assists. It can also have limited use as a combo extender.

:m: Balloon Bomb: This move acts quite a bit different compared to when MODOK is on point. This move no longer causes a soft knockdown, but it can now OTG and it has infinite durability. It takes up a nice bit of space and persists to help you out with your neutral game. It also can be used as a combo extender. This assist can be used for some nasty resets as well.

Video for the first 3 sections (normals, specials, and hypers). Even though it’s longer to watch the video, it’s probably slightly less mundane and boring. There are 6 videos planned in total. Might record the second one tonight for the next 2 sections.
I wish I could just be spending money for a capture card lol.

Haha at least you’re making it happen, but to respond to you earlier, yah that was basically the idea utilizing the medium cube in the a combo to help with hit stun deterioration. Good job LTP, hope to get you into one of my tourneys soon. Going to Bar fights?

Making it happen to get MODOK more exposure is all I want… as well as indirectly picking people’s brains to steal tech I haven’t been using :slight_smile: (thank you Caveman). Lol sorry for stealing your thunder on the cube tech. Let me know when your tournys are happening and I’ll try my best to go. I’m not in-the-know at all when it comes to offline shenanigans going on around the area lol… all I really know are the break and next level, and hopefully I will be at the break sometime in the coming weeks. Might even go to ECT. I’ve been grinding a lot more offline and a lot less online, so hopefully I don’t disappoint whenever I go a tournament lol, though I still can’t do p1 side motions on ps3. As for Bar Fights, I’m not sure.

Nah, no worries, I share when I can. If someone posts it first no sweat. Honestly I STINK at finding new tech…heck I stink at using OLD tech lol

I’m not good at finding new tech either lol. I mostly just piece together different things from what I see.

Anyway, second video is up for sections 4 and 5 (aerial abilities and grabs). It’s less than 4 minutes this time. The combo video is up next! Should be fun.

Combo time! I didn’t mention everything I wanted to in the video since it was a lot, but it gets the job done more or less. 3 more to go. Hitconfirms/blockstrings and mixups are next.

Nice work! I think you covered all of the bases so people can get started with modok combos. I haven’t seen the side TAC before, does that work on all body types? Also, I didn’t check all of your notations, but some of them were off, atleast when I checked on my phone. Good stuff, LTP

Thanks! I figured some of the notations would be a bit off, since I was editing that late at night lol. I’ll go back and check everything later and use the Youtube annotations feature to fix stuff. The side TAC works on normal sized characters, but not for large characters, since you can’t float over them. I’m not sure about small characters.

EDIT: Fixed the all the notation errors (that I saw) with annotations.

Next video up! Hitconfirms/blockstrings and mixups are covered in this one. The next video is actually finished and covers resets and XFactor, but I’ll upload that in the morning. One more to go after that.
From this video, you can see why I’m torn between using Bolts and the Eye of Avocado lol. They are both great.
It makes me so sad that no one notable or otherwise uses MODOK’s toolset to his full extent yet. The air grab unblockable reset is crazy and (cr.:h:, jump, addf)xN combos, beats advancing guard in the corner, and is a frame trap. And you can mix it up with an instant overhead if you want. And some people still think this character is C tier…

2 things beat the cr.h addf cr.h blockstring: throws and AG at the right time to banish modok to the opposite corner. Both aren’t difficult to time if someone abuses the blockstring so be careful. You can mix it up, but like most things about modok you will have to either condition the opponent, have great reflexes or be that much better than the opponent. I haven’t watched the video yet, but im sure its great.

double post…good video, LTP

There’s always something. But it’s still a great, underused option. Then again, I guess it’s unfair to say that since so few tournament players main the character.

Resets and XFactor! This one is a bit shorter and clocks in under 4 minutes. The neutral game and assists are all that’s left. I’m really not sure how I’m going to film the neutral game… it might be a mix of online play and training mode dummy stuff. Who knows.