Maki video feedback, please

i have some of my C-R4-maki videos up at

if anyone has some free time, comments and/or criticism are welcomed.

i could use some help knowing what to use when, if i’ve missed opportunities, did something i shouldn’t have, or if there was something better i could have done instead.

thanks. :karate:

i only watch pcthegreat vs yyy one so far. i’ll get to the others later when my comp has more space.(d/ling that sbo3s torrent right now)

-you got the basic idea of maki down, which is good cuz that’s all she really needs for doing some damage
-you have some nice corner tricks with the dive kicks, which i normally dont’ use
-random overheads/slides from an R4 maki seems to be pretty effective

-the run/slide isn’t very safe(maybe it’s safe with xbox lag?) but in most cases you shouldn’t be doing the slide so often.
-you lack setups for the 720, and you seem to have full bar throughout the match.
-you dont’ really need the lvl 3 kick super since you’re R4(which seems to be kind of a waste)
-i’m assuming you dont’ know how to do jab, jab, short xx kick super yet since you didn’t do it against bison when you had the chance.

tips/advice(some may or may not help you’re game, but that’s probably due to different play style):
-use N-maki. i dont’ really see you using her dash, air block or lvl 2 super all that much. with N-maki you can do run, sweep inrstead of the unsafe run/slide for your high/low mixup game. also you can burn lvl 1’s easier with small jump early fierce, land 720(one of the most annoying setups imo). break stock for added damage since you seem to do well with normals and specials alone.
-try having R2 maki + R2 someone else. that way maki can build bar for you’re second guy. the second guy should be someone who can burn supers easily. (i dunno, sagat? or someone you like to play who has safe supers or easy to combo supers)

other comments:
-it’s hard to give advice for how to play maki since a lot of people haven’t played against her before, so a lot of shit would work. and a lot of won’t work.

-how come pcthegreat changed teams? team changing after you win a match is allowed in xbox tournies?

Hey, fun vids. I watched 4 matches of the ones on there. First off, omfgwtfroflol! When I saw c.lp*2,slk xx NOTHING I was like OMG, no way, the match was in the bag! you missed the chance! Everyone misses chances so OK, I’m not gonna make a huge point out of it, but damn, that was very unfortunate.

Gotta agree with vasazn about your lack of meter usage. It’s not very efficient at all, and I saw you do a mid-air !!LVL3!! 720 when you weren’t even close to the other guy, that was pretty funny. I’m not gonna tell you WHAT you have to do with your meter, cus this one japanese guy does into 1-friggin-frame links that I wouldn’t even TRY in casuals, so to each his own. But to just walk around while packing heat not even trying to get a combo to super or blitz to 720 is pretty heartbreaking to myself personally.

I like how in this one match you do the air cmd grab twice iirc. I never use that, but it’s really cool that you actually land it. I might try it myself next time I play.

I didn’t do any deep analysis of the matches but I got the impression that you do a lot of wall jumping and a lot of overhead kicks:
A) watch out for supers in both cases, A-groove is your enemy. I supppose that until they actually DO start to punish you big for excessive air-time you can just keep doing it.
B) make it worth your while by actually comboing or counterhit-throw mixup after you do a lp wall jump back into the line of scrimmage.

There’s things I know I don’t do right (I do them wrong or don’t do them at all) which I can see in your game as well, so it’s kinda hypocritical to go bitch about them here. Except for one! Try to do more wall jumps in tigerknee fashoin (with or without a cmd run) close to the ground when you’re near the corner. They’re insanely hard to DP on reaction and can be comboed off of. It’s like Liu Kang’s f,f+high-kick but with frame advantage.

thanks for the help so far! :tup:

when i try jab jab short xx kick super it doesn’t seem to combo into the super. is it supposed to? maybe it’s xbox?

i guess the xbox tournaments rules depend on the host. :xeye:

i dont mind. i want to know what i do wrong or dont do at all. :karate:

ps tiger knee is qcb to bu right?

Yes, that’s right, just do backwards-half-circle-up+lp and you get a very low to the ground jump which has half screen reach. I do it with the cmd run cus that just makes life easier:
qcb+k, hk~qcb+lp