I’m newbie in SSF4 ae and trying to make some combos. Is there any software wich you could type your moves, combos and print it or have it in your hdd. Sorry for bad English. Thank you for answers.
What…exactly are you talking about right now? You’re trying to program new combos into the game? I don’t understand.
im playing xbox. I want to make combo list with colored arrows, moves like this http://img-ipad.lisisoft.com/img/2/9/2978-3-super-street-fighter-iv-arcade.jpg
Ah, so your issue isn’t literally making the combos, you just want to make the visual inputs?
So no such soft for making visual inputs ?
You should probably check out the Image outlet section and thumb around for graphics that you can use. And learn to be handy with photoshop.
that’s what i need, where i can get it ?
Just type it in…
You can even copy it into Word without any code or anything…
Take the spaces out of this…
: qcf : + : hp :
and you’ll get what I posted up there.
See the arrow next to “Font size”?
Click that, and you’ll see all of them.
:qcf::lp: thanks
Thanks a lot, I also needed this information. It is much simpler to explain imputs
Charge :db::f::lk:xx:b::f::lk: Vega’s special into super