Make it Bloody Rain: The Vega Combo/Tech Thread

I went into the lab today with Vega. I went through the frame data and had some fun with finding his links.

The frame data suggests there are more possible links. However, the spacing on some of them do not allow the second attack to hit. For example, take the link for MP Claw, LK. I could not get the LK to connect because Vega was too far away after the MP Claw. I tried this against Ken only and no other characters. They may hit on other characters that have different hitboxes, but I did not test against other characters so I left them out of this list.

Claw on, Standing punch starter[list]
[] 57 = LP, C.LP - can cancel to special
] 57 = LP, LK
[] 57 = LP, LP - can cancel to special
] 48 = LP, C. LK
[] 87 = MP, LP - can cancel to special
] 114 = MP, C.MP
[] 107 = HP, LP - can cancel to special
] 107 = HP, LK
[] 107 = HP, C.LP - can cancel to special
] 98 = HP, C.LK[/list]

Claw on, Crouching punch starter[list]
[] 57 = C.LP, LP - can cancel to special
] 57 = C.LP, LK
[] 57 = C.LP, C.LP - can cancel to special
] 48 = C.LP, C. LK
[*] 77 = C.MP, LK[/list]

Claw on, Standing kick starter[list]
[] 57 = LK, C.LP - can cancel to special
] 87 = MK, C.LP - can cancel to special
[*] 117 = HK, C.LP - can cancel to special[/list]

Claw on, Crouching kick starter[list]
[] 47 = C.LK, LK
] 47 = C.LK, C.LP - can cancel to special
[] 38 = C.LK, C.LK
] 77 = C.MK, LP - can cancel to special
[] 77 = C.MK, LK
] 77 = C.MK, C.LP - can cancel to special
[] 104 = C.MK, C.MP
] 68 = C.MK, C.LK[/list]

Claw off, Standing punch starter[list]
[] 57 = LP, LP - can cancel to special
] 57 = LP, LK
[] 57 = LP, C.LP - can cancel to special
] 84 = LP, C.MP - can cancel to special
[] 48 = LP, C.LK
] 87 = MP, LP - can cancel to special
[*] 117 = HP, C.LP - can cancel to special[/list]

Claw off, Crouching punch starter[list]
[] 57 = C.LP, LP - can cancel to special
] 57 = C.LP, LK
[] 57 = C.LP, C.LP - can cancel to special
] 48 = C.LP, C.LK
[] 87 = C.MP, LP - can cancel to special
] 87 = C.MP, C.LP - can cancel to special[/list]

Claw off, Standing kick starter[list]
[] 57 = LK, LP - can cancel to special
] 57 = LK, C.LP - can cancel to special
[] 57 = LK, LK
] 48 = LK, C.LK
[] 87 = MK, LP - can cancel to special
] 87 = MK, C.LP - can cancel to special
[] 87 = MK, LK
] 78 = MK, C.LK
[] 117 = HK, LP - can cancel to special
] 117 = HK, C.LP - can cancel to special
[] 117 = HK, LK
] 108 = HK, C.LK[/list]

Claw off, Crouching kick starter[list]
[] 47 = C.LK, LP - can cancel to special
] 47 = C.LK, LK
[] 47 = C.LK, C.LP - can cancel to special
] 38 = C.LK, C.LK
[] 77 = C.MK, LP - can cancel to special
] 104 = C.MK, MP - can cancel to special or target combo
[] 77 = C.MK, LK
] 77 = C.MK, C.MP - can cancel to special
[] 104 = C.MK, C.MP - can cancel to special
] 68 = C.MK, C.LK[/list]

Yeah they seemed to give Vega a lot of room to free style in SF V

Hi guys just wanna check with you all is it possible to AA with ex.fb or ca?If can, how much invinc is there?

Thanks for the help

Most likely they’ll trade unless you do it as soon as they jump. I’ve had both trade on me a lot and it doesn’t feel good losing all that bar for almost nothing.

On a side note, I think it’s crucial Vega players get used to using his st.LK in offensively and defensively as shown here:

I really like your videos, @af0.

So, I was reading some reports that people are being thrown out of PoM. Is it not airborne? In that case, does it not go over low attacks now? What a worthless move :frowning:

No I got tagged low last night for sure. I was angry.

PoM is NOT airborne. You can be thrown out of any frame of it and get low shorted out of it.

I get it on accident when trying to use his MK, which is actually not terrible, even if it’s not as godlike as its SF4 version.

Sup dudes, new Vega player here. That cross up CA tech is ridonkulous! I been working on some tricky meaty crossups with crimson terror. Gonna try to upload a few vids today. Don’t forget about the easy FBA claw -> vtrigger -> CA or FBA claw -> vtrigger -> ex FBA. Easy damage.

Chip people out in clutch situations with standing vtrigger into CA. Seems like people can never escape it. Bait out sloppy shoryus with an empty fba and i’m pretty sure you can cr.HK them for a knockdown. Very spacing dependent.

His counter hit cr. mp with claw off can link into a standing mp - > target combo, but I think it is very tight, cause the cpu would block it sometimes. I’ll have to test it more.

I think his target combo should be able to at least clip crouching opponents for a little less damage or something? Seems like they screwed us over big time with that whiff bs. Oh also, his jumping mp can hit grounded big bodies so far like Birdie and probably Zang.

Be careful when using j.HP. Doesn’t seem to have a lot of active frames, and whiffs even when it looks like it should hit.

Yeah he threw that way too early, and with claw off I woudn’t use that attack, needs to be a bit deeper if you really want to try it.

what is pom?

what are the best lead in attacks to land for 1st attack?

what does buffer mean? buffer and xx or xxx?

Hey what’s up… I’m a Vega main… And I would like help in finding out if this tech is legit… So further testing from us.

After doing Vega TC xx mk-crimson terror you will get a nasty meaty when crimson terror connects. I haven’t done any frame data work on it (will leave that for u guys)…

Things I tried and connected…
After meaty CT, lk-CT connected
After meaty CT, walk forward connected
So xx mk.ct, or another tc repeat process.

I also did TC xx lk-ct and it switched sides… Giving Vega another group of meaty hits… I tried, fierce punch… All of this I only trying on ken. Did the wake up action reversal with him. Tried his cr.lp, st.lp, lp,mp,HP,ex dp on wake up.

To make DP whiff just neutral jump after lk.CT and you will get full punish…

BH combo for full punish. BH fp xx claw switch FP(claw) xx claw switch xx mk.CT.

Please try further to see if this is legit…

Most people know about this tech, but I want it compiled here so people understand how vast Vega’s options are with Stance Cancel.

s.HP > SC > Command Throw

s.HP > LP ASE (Do this first to establish respect)

s.HP > SC > c.MK> Command Throw

s.HP > SC> c.MK > c.MP > c.LP (I believe this all frame traps.)

You can also throw a jump in after a c.MK or c.MP since you’re + 2 and people may not see it coming.

If anyone has been watching PR Balrog, they understand how scary the mixup between Aurora Spin Edge and Stance Cancel is. Do you think this will be a legit mixup down the line or people will start reacting to it?

Nice… Thanks…
Vega can also dash after s.hp xx lp/mp ase and is safe… On normal recovery you can meatie s.HP, on back recovery you can dash twice and meatie… Don’t know if this is known…

Considering how much damage LP ASE can inflict if you can consistently hitconfirm to CA, it’s a great mixup, especially when their stun is high (since Grand Izuna Drop does a grip of stun damage)

Been messing with your setup here, it requires them standing to begin with so it’s a bit tricky to set up, but it does seem interesting.

The MK roll hits meaty but on block it still seems -ve, not punishable but definitely -ve enough that you can pressure if it’s blocked.

The LK roll crossup is really nice and should be the default option imo. Meaty 5HK actually hits crouchers and is 0 on block (lights trade) while on normal hit you can link 2MP, on crush counter you obviously get a full combo, you could set the same scenario up again.

I’m not particularly privy to Claw’s options as I’m still exploring with most of the cast, but this setup does seem pretty strong, the issue is back tech, LK roll still crosses up but doesn’t set up an easy 5HK meaty and MK roll will no longer work, will get punished after whiffing, HK roll will get hit out before it lands. At least delayed getup is easy to deal with, but for this to be really useful imo Claw needs a way to deal with the back tech really well.

EDIT: Delayed 2MK meaty might be the best for back roll.

Wait, get the fuck out. Will 5HK will hit even people who wake up crouch-blocking? Is there a 1f standing moment when getting up in this game?

Seems so yep