I recently got SSFIIHDR (Wow that’s a long name), and it’s the first street fighter I’ve played.
I got it on the psn shop, I’ve had it for about 2 days now. XD I know I’m a big noob.
I originally used Ryo, then switched to Ken, and have really liked him.
But, I know virtually no combos, I basically spam throw and r1.
Please, teach me to play Ken.
What a guide! thanks!
1.Start with Ryu(ima ken player), Ryu is a solid character more than ken or start with Honda.
2. don’t go to online mode, first try some simple combos in practice or training mode or whatever is called.
3. go to arcade mode and practice against AI start with the easiest mode, then normal and so on.
4. get an arcade stick ASAP!, is easier than a controller.
5. is you like ken, go ahead! and remember fierce shoryuken isn’t the ultimate weapon! lol
6. add me: philcito is my psn id, i can teach you everything related to ken, combos, cancels, reversals, overheads, zoning, spacing, special moves scopes and properties, matchups, kara throwing, etc etc.
My best advice is that there is a right time to rush down, and a wrong time to rush down. You will learn these as you progress at the game and can feel the flow of the match, the momentum and such. Too many people try to rush me down when I am stood about, not committing to any major moves, meaning I can counter any advances and turn the momentum in my favour.
As for what you should be doing when it is the wrong time to rush down, all I would say is block and don’t throw out random moves. I was playing a guy today and he would start randomly jabbing when there was no reason to, needless to say he eat more fireballs and low attacks than he should have done. Remember to crouch block too. You can remain blocking without moving to maintain optimal positioning.
People think that with Ken’s speed, combos and damage that he is a 24/7 rushdown character. It’s feasible but difficult. Just take your time and don’t leave yourself open to stuff. Remember, Ken’s defensive game is really good too.
Execution wise, keep the combos safe and simple. This means you can do them without risking much if blocked, or if you screw up the execution. Too many guys go for crossup, fierce into fierce dragon punch, and if blocked it’s a free punish.
For more information, please read my FAQ, the post I have stickied on the forum, and, most importantly, read the Ken thread. Much like GoldenArch said, that’s going to be the best way to go at this point. The idea behind the already established threads is to keep all of the information in one place so that new members, like yourself, Graves, can easily find the information. With that said, welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your stay.
And yeah, this thread can either be closed now or merged with the Ken thread. Let’s keep it all in one place for future members, aw’ight? Coo’.
for the ken starter… if you want to see some ken combos, cancels etc, i have a good video tutorial for ya…
This is from our website tyrantshredd and philcito idea, this video is 100% made by fighter101 team.