edit: nvm
I’ve seen small explanations, but can someone explain in detail what is so great about jam session with Magneto? I get the reset (although it scales damage like hell) but other than that what’s so great about it for Erik?
How does using L+M+H differ from M+H when trying to do hyper grav loops and plinking? I was watching the Chris Schmidt video on plinking and didn’t quite understand what they were explaining other than L+M+H helps you plink without getting accidental H’s
It’s kind of two separate issues. For hypergrav loops, you’re just dashing and canceling with H. Since you want to hit the H nearly as fast as possible (but you don’t want to accidentally plink a dash), dashing with L+M simplifies the whole thing by keeping you from having to hit, say, M+H, lift your finger off, and hit H again. If you play on a pad and use a single button dash on a trigger, it can be hard to be 100% sure you’ve completely released the trigger before you hit H, and, since the game won’t let you input H as a normal when it’s already being held down from a dash, that makes it really difficult (if not impossible) to do.
As far as the Schmidt select goes, basically the deal is that “real” plink dashing would just be two buttons–say L~M. If you hit M one frame after the L, the game’s input leniency turns the now-L+M into a dash while still having given you one frame of startup on the L (I think). So characters who can cancel dashes with normals are basically hitting L, turning it into a dash on the first frame of startup by inputting M, and then canceling that dash into another L, plinking L~M, over and over.
The Schmidt select is different for some reason because it gives you slightly more than a frame to cancel your normal into a dash. I don’t know the reason for it, and hopefully someone’ll give a better answer, but if I had to guess, I’d say that the game gives maybe 2-3 frames (makes a significant difference) during the startup of a normal where it can be canceled into a multi-button dash, which can then be canceled into another normal, etc. As far as L+M+H vs. L~M+H goes…I don’t think there’s a difference in leniency between Schmidt’s version and a three button plink, but it definitely takes less dexterity. I guess his point was that, if you use 2 buttons with his mapping, you’re getting the simplicity of traditional plinking with the leniency of the slightly more demanding 3 button plink. Also, the main thing is that the increased leniency over the A~A method lets you easily option select a throw because you’re doing direction+H every time you dash. That being said, you want to plink H~L+M if you’re not doing the Schmidt select.
TL;DR: Doesn’t do anything for hyper grav loops, but don’t airdash with M+H. Dashing option selects a throw and it’s more braindead than 3 button plinks.
EDIT: Misread your post. No, don’t use L+M+H for hypergrav loops, just dashing (if you don’t want to try 3 button plinks).
Any idea why the Schmidt Select button layout is the way it is? I want to pick it up since I have a ton of problems getting accidental H’s during plink dashing (most of my losses are due directly to a goofed plink into punished whiffed H) but I really don’t want to have to re-learn my button layout again. Is there any other way to do it with the button without changing the layout at all? When I try without changing the layout, it doesn’t do anything at all >_>
Also, in the ADF xx H fly combo where the last rep is ADDF H S H, what’s the timing like for the S and the next H? I can’t figure it out at all since you don’t see the S come out at all. Anyone got a vid or something?
Cuts the screen in half, giving you much more space control + gives you a long period of lockdown and can still be converted off of as well as used as a combo extender.
I don’t like it as his primary singular assist though, I prefer a horizontal assist to complement it like Plasma Beam or Drones.
Apparently there’s some crazy good (but waaay over my head) guard break setups with it too.
I play on pad (Xbox) and i have my RT set to :l: :h: and i use it as my dash. Can having all three normals on that one button effect my dashes, normal or planking, and other movement tech with magneto
And BTW i run Magneto as anchor so what ever i have set on my RT has to accommodate for my first two characters, Taskmaster and Dante

I play on pad (Xbox) and i have my RT set to :l:
:h: and i use it as my dash. Can having all three normals on that one button effect my dashes, normal or planking, and other movement tech with magneto
And BTW i run Magneto as anchor so what ever i have set on my RT has to accommodate for my first two characters, Taskmaster and Dante
I play the same team on pad and use the L+H and L+M macros. The macros affect your plink speed and consistency, having an empty button on the dash macro allows you to hit that button quicker (i.e L+H macro gives me quicker boxdash Ms with Dante), a lot of pad Magnetos like L+M (for H plink), and M+H(for easier tridash Ls). I highly suggest you use a 2 button macro so you are capable of plink dashing properly too.
Personally I prefer not plinking my tridash Ls, so my consistency on them isn’t even 80%, if I don’t know if I’m going to hit low or high, how will my opponent?
So i should maybe assign L+H to LT and L+M to RT and use RT to plank dash with H
Any tips for doing rapid Magnetic Blasts like FChamp and Neo do? I can do regular Blasts fine, but they do them really fast sometimes back to back.
Depends what you mean. Is your trouble just that the motion is awkward to do one after another? It gets less so as you play more.
If there’s a specific sequence some of these have techniques behind them that make them possible or practical where performing them naively is difficult to impossible.
One way I practice is to to super jump forward dash into blast L as close to the ground as possible and as quick as I can do without messing up the motion. I seek accuracy over speed. I cheat with a one-button dash but the idea is to get the motion. Something like 147896 H+M, L .

Any tips for doing rapid Magnetic Blasts like FChamp and Neo do? I can do regular Blasts fine, but they do them really fast sometimes back to back.
simply a weird rhythm you have to get used to.
I have no issue doing regular Magnetic blasts, as I can do all of Ray Rays magnetic blast combos…including the side switch ones. But doing them in rapid succession like Champ and Neo is rather difficult. It doesn’t look like they super jump either.
Do you mean box dash Blast? Because I don’t think any of us fully get what you mean, could you clarify? It’s kinda ambiguous just saying “doing Magnetic blasts in rapid succession” because there are multiple things you might be talking about.
If you mean multiple box dash Blast, just do 896 M+H~L instead of 8 M+H, 896 L if that’s what you’re doing. If you’re having trouble with 896 M+H~L, you just have to practice, there aren’t really tricks to make the motion easier.
If you’re just having trouble with the actual 896 motion over and over again, that will also just come down to practice.
Watch a Filipino Champ match video. Sometimes before his matches during button checks, or after he’s won he’ll do rapid magnetic blasts in quick succession. When I get the chance, I’ll see if I can find a vid on youtube to point out to you.
If you’re wondering about the mechanic itself, he’s just doing this motion:
Yes you really seem like you’re talking about plink Blast, you might not just realize that what FChamp is doing is rapid box dash Blasts. I thought you were trying to replicate it by doing multiple manual box dash Blasts.
But also sometimes Fchamp does rapid sj addf plink Blasts, which you can do with 28963 M+H~L over and over again. If you do this low enough the Blast never comes out and it seems Magneto is short-hopping, so maybe this is what you’re talking about?
I already know how to do that so, I’m not sure if thats really it or not… but I appreciate the help from you guys. I suppose its not really important besides looking cool, and the random chance that you actually lock somebody down on the ground with hidden missiles.
Mmmm other than “do the kara version quickly” I’m not sure what advice I can give on that. Are you talking about working different blasts in, or just doing the same one over and over? I know he said at some point thinks of superjump Blast as one motion…so it’s like 2369896. If you do that, the Blasts starts to come out on your way up and you can addf.Blast or addb.Blast or whatever more quickly than if you had separated the motions. It’s got uses.
I’d say it’d be more useful to practice alternating the kara Blasts quickly, since you’re probably not going to want to do like…two forwards in a row or something very often.
When I lab it I have a sequence where I do dash, superjump uf, addf.Blast (land), adb.Blast, superjump uf, addb.Blast (land), adf.Blast, superjump uf add.Blast. Works in the most useful ones and also gets your hand doing different motions so you can practice resetting your grip for a move if it shifts during a rapid input.