Magnetic Storm punishes what SA3 don't

Bunch of SA1 punishes that haven’t been mentioned:

Magnetic Storm reverses:

Shoto c. FK up to max range -The downside is that you need reversal timing any further than point blank, but it’s not like they don’t stick it out 5 billion times a round anyway. Just buffer the super a half second after you block it and you should reversal every time. I would just buffer it really early. That way if you time it right, you reversal and if you don’t, nothing comes out and you’re safe.
**Ryu and Akuma’s always need reversal timing and you have to super a split second earlier. I wouldn’t try reversing their’s unless it’s from point blank.
Ken/Sean c. FK on HIT - Need reversal timing. Not practical, but do it a split second after you get hit and you should reversal
****Ryu and Akuma have 16 frames of recovery on their’s, Ken and Sean have 17. This is probably why. **
Shoto c. FP up to max range on block or HIT
Shoto far s. FK up to max range
Shoto fireball on hit close range
Ryu/Akuma/Sean close s. FP - Ken’s recovers a lot faster than their’s apparently.
Ryu s. RH close range
Ryu far s. FP up to max range
Ryu LK/FK/RH/EX Tatsumaki
Akuma far s. FP almost up to max range
Akuma teleport - It’ll grab him out of it even if he’s behind you.
Akuma RH Tatsumaki
Ken s. RH up to mid-range
Ken f. FK
Ken Tatsumaki on block or HIT (EX is safe on hit)
Sean hop kick almost up to max range
Sean headbutt overhead on block or HIT
Sean far FP on block or HIT
Sean LK/FK/RH hurricane on block or HIT (EX on block)
Chun s. FK almost up to max range
Chun c. MP almost up to max range
Chun c. MP on hit (needs reversal timing)
Chun c. RH up to max range
Chun FP fireball close range
Dudley LP MGB
Hugo s. MP almost up to max range
Hugo s. FK
Hugo c. FK close range
Hugo f. FP close range
Hugo close s. FP - Very useful since you have a lot of time to react. Really shitty for him since this is his only good overhead.
Elena c. MP close range
Elena c. FK almost up to max range
Elena s. FP
Elena c. FP on block or HIT
Elena f. FK up to max range on block or HIT
Yang c. FP
Yang 2nd part of LP mantis slash on block
Yang ANY MP/FP mantis slashes on block or HIT (besides final hit)
Yang ANY EX slashes on block
Yun s. FP mid-range
Twins s. RH
Remy c. FP
Remy c. FK up to max range on block or HIT
Remy LK/FK cold blue kicks on block or HIT (RH one needs very strict timing and spacing)
Remy f. FK on block or HIT
Remy far s. FK close range (Need reversal timing)
Remy far s. RH on HIT close range
Makoto s. FP up to max range on block or HIT
Makoto f. FP almost up to max range - 1 or 3 hits, doesn’t mattter. 3-hit version can be punished on HIT.
Makoto c. FP almost up to max range
Makoto LP/MP Chop.
Makoto f. FK (Need reversal timing)
Makoto f. RH
Alex blocked stomp (EX stomp works, but timing has to be perfect so it’s not practical)
Oro 1-hit chicken stomp on block or HIT
Oro c. MP on block or HIT - Hit version needs to have reversal timing
Oro crouch blocked/1-hit s. MP - This sucks bad for him, but it’s great for you.
Oro close s. FK on block or HIT - No I’m not kidding; try it. Hit version needs reversal timing.
Twelve close NDL on block or HIT
Twelve s. FK close
Twelve ground/air LP/MP/FP Axe Flail (Also works on EX, but the timing is strict)
Q slaps
Q c. FK
Urien c. FP 1-Hit on block or HIT
Urien s. FP close range (have to block it high)
Urien s. FK up to mid-range
Urien LK Tackle
Urien f. FP almost up to max range on block or HIT
Urien s. RH on block or HIT
Ibuki blocked command grab
Ibuki c. RH
Ibuki LK/FK RDP+K (FK version needs reversal timing or they’ll only get hit once)
Ibuki EX DP+K
Any jump-ins that hit really early like Twelve air RH or anyone trying to early jump back attack on block or HIT (mainly Necro, Oro)
**Any blocked UOHs

Sidenotes - SA1 is combo-able from a non-SJ RH drill. Just make sure you do it as low to the ground as possible. Don’t need to be point blank, but it needs to hit twice. It will technically work from a SJ RH drill as well, but the timing is a lot more strict. This is really too hard to be of any practical use, but it’s nice to know the option is there.

-Remy can’t catch a fucking break. He has frame disadvantage on everything.
-It’s important to note that RH drills build a ton of meter on the first hit, so if you need meter quick, this is a great way to get some.

Other specials/supers that can punish Ken/Sean c. FK on block/HIT or anything slower:

Ken EX shoryuken, Hugo moonsault press, Remy LK flash kick

Dudley SA1/SA2/SA3, Ryu SA2, Ken SA1/SA3, Akuma SA2, Hugo SA1, Alex SA1/SA2 (close range only),
Remy SA1 (point blank only)/SA2, Makoto SA1, Sean SA2/SA3, Ibuki SA2/SA3, Twelve instant SA2, Urien SA1, Chun SA1, Elena SA1/ SA2 (point blank only), Yun SA1, Necro SA2

4 frame moves must be reversal timed even point blank and won’t punish on hit. These include:
Remy LK flash kick, Necro SA2