Madison Tourney #52 5/7/11

OK, so we had a really good showing this last tourney. And I apologize in advance, I know I said I wasn’t going to have a tourney on Mother’s Day Weekend, but I guess we will be. This time, punctuality and attendance will be very important. We just need to make sure everything runs more smoothly, and part of that was my fault too, so I apologize. The schedule should be the same still.

3:00pm: signup and casuals…
5:00pm: Tekken $1-Double Elimination 70-20-10
6:30pm: Soul Calibur- Double Elimination $1 70-20-10
8:00pm: MvC3 $3- Double Elimination 70-20-10
8:00pm: Pokemon Black/White(NO LAUNCHERS)-Single Elimination $1 winners takes all
9:30pm: Scrabble $2 70-30

Happy Wok
17 Eastpark Ct
Madison, WI

Need to call, gimme a ring at 608-886-8044.