Madcatz Brawl Stick, anyone had hands on? Quality stick?

Has anyone had a hands-on with the new Madcatz Brawl Stick? It seems like the only stick Madcatz offers below the TE. I dont like the artwork but if the quality of the stick is decent enough I can live with it.

I assume it’s the same as other SEs so it’s a pretty decent stick out of the box and is very easy to modify with Sanwa or Seimitsu parts. I’m wondering if the art is matte lick the TvC stick or glossy like the SFIV. The matte was so much nicer.

It uses TvC joystick and button parts, so it’s better quality than standard SE sticks.

But that artwork… christ.


No word on a WWE TE stick yet.

From what I understand the Brawl SE stick is slightly better than the older Street Fighter IV SE stick.
The Brawl stick has the benefit of Mad Catz learning from the design flaws of the SF4 SEs, Better PCBs (No Rev A boards) and there is a rumor that Mad Catz stopped using the knock off parts in favor of actual Sanwa, since they are ordering in such large quantities that their actual cost is minimum.

Personally I don’t care for The SE’s shell as the top panel and panel art is more difficult to replace. People have a extreme difficulty making a plexy that fits the SE. This is due to that 30 degree slot in the stick and as you heat thew material to bend it, there is some shrinking and distortion, making the panel not fit as it supposed to.

From what I understand the Brawl SE stick is slightly better than the older Street Fighter IV SE stick.
The Brawl stick has the benefit of Mad Catz learning from the design flaws of the SF4 SEs, Better PCBs (No Rev A boards) and there is a rumor that Mad Catz stopped using the knock off parts in favor of actual Sanwa, since they are ordering in such large quantities that their actual cost is minimum.

Personally I don’t care for The SE’s shell as the top panel and panel art is more difficult to replace. People have a extreme difficulty making a plexy that fits the SE. This is due to that 30 degree slot in the stick and as you heat thew material to bend it, there is some shrinking and distortion, making the panel not fit as it supposed to.

They don’t use Sanwa parts according to MadCatz’s PR manager.

No, they’re using MadCatz clones of Sanwa parts. That said, these parts are uprated from the ones in the first gen SEs. The stick they use now features Omron D3V-16-3A5 microswitches similar to the Omron switches that Sanwa uses in the TP-MA.

For more info here’s RoboKritik’s breakdown of the parts when they came out on the TvC stick last year.

Dont get your hopes up too high, even if they use the updated TvC parts failure is still pretty much a guarantee.

So I guess its worth spending the extra $50 for a TE. Do all TE guarantee to have HQ parts? I am looking at the “S” model, not sure what the difference is.

‘S’ models come with the same Sanwa buttons and joystick found in previous TE sticks. Only aesthetic difference is that the side panels are flat and the artwork covers the whole surface. Only important difference is the updated motherboard.

I hated the joystick in my TvC base and changed it to a Sanwa JLF as soon as possible. (Odds are that I’ll swap that JLF for a Seimitsu LS-40-01 if I mod the TvC for multi-console use.) The gate on the Mad Catz stick was next-to-impossible to remove. The only things I ended up keeping from the joystick (besides the harness) were the JLF-clone shaft and all its components and the spring. The PCB went in the trash along with the gate.

Didn’t care for the Mad Catz buttons so in went some spare Sanwas I had lying around!

For other people who don’t have the parts or can’t afford an upgrade, I guess the stock components are good enough. Not for me, though!

Was there something wrong with the older PCBs?

There’s something wrong with all MadCatz pcb’s. Less so with what you’ll find in these ‘Brawl’ sticks, but still problems…

TvC sticks are SO DAMN CHEAP right now.

I bet MarkMan is crying that his updated baby gets no love at retail.

They get love in my house.

Oh, yes…

thats disgusting. i dont think you should be doing those type of activities with an inanimate object

You’re missing out, dude.

Blame the “it doesn’t feel exactly like a JLF/OSBF, therefore it’s trash” attitude people have. On the bright side the lack of interest means the stick gets cheap, so people can get a good little stick for less money.

I notice that has not effected the sale price of SE sticks, which feel even worse.

TvC sticks are so sexy. I love mine.