Mad Catz TES+ 100$, worth?

Some nearby casual player is selling a tes+ shadaloo edition cuz he used it 3/4 times.
Good deal or better keep searching for something else?

Still too expensive imo.

I got it for 50 EUR in France.

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Do u value the stick worth to buy?

Not at $100.

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$100 is a fine price for a TES+ in good condition. Not an amazing price, but fine. Maybe you could make an offer for a bit less. By now, it isn’t one of the newer sticks, but it’s still quite good, and has a lot of customization options.

$100 is too much for a stick that needs repairs down the road.
Most Mad Catz Sticks need a PCB replacement sooner or later.
And most of the TEs make it a not straight forwards process as you need to address the Guide/turbo panel as well.

I agree that 100 is too much for a tes+ . Look around and you will find some great sticks in the 75$ range, and 50$ if you look hard enough.

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There are some sticks around with that price tag that you will recommend?

TES+ is a decent case. There’s a EZ board that Jasen makes which makes things easier and you don’t loose your top panel. THey have deals every now and then for 65 bucks, I think that’s a fine looking stick for 65, 100…well, you gotta love MC a lot to pay high end.

Incidentally, with all this 3D printing what we need is a blank top panel where you can place whatever mini buttons you want, would end up looking a bit like the VSHG which is always a good thing.

Out of the TE line this TES+ is the best looking one IMHO, no lame character art, no flames or funky stuff, just a nice symbol representing a decent and good will organization that stands for a new sense of justice. Welcome!

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