M.O.D.O.K. Thread 2: Orgasm Harder


I see it now, thanks. I was beginning to think he was Designed Only for Kofbosssyndrome.

I’m pretty sure when people look at that mahvel baybee video they don’t think of childish, specifically. More like, insane. :stuck_out_tongue:

How fast can MODOK get those analyze cubes out? I know he won’t be able to spam them, but… yeah.

you can spam them out. they’re fast and i managed to get two on screen with thethird appearing as soon as the second disappeared

How quickly does he recover after throwing one out? Are they fairly safe?

Man, this is great! I bet Capcom hired a bunch of expert trolls to be on the dev team…

Why does everyone have such a raging boner for MODOK? I mean yeah he plays nothing like the rest of the cast, but that doenst turn me on.:wonder:

Not triying to flame but i see this on every board i go. Maybe this is a tourney thing, like magneto,storm,sent?

Here’s a bit of a write up on an observation I made of existing footage:

On MODOK’s reveal trailer ([media=youtube]i9zqIPvK99c[/media]) there is a combo that he does on Tron at about 0.54 seconds in, I’m surprised no one has really discussed what happens in that brief moment.

Firstly, the air speed of MODOK’s air dash looks very good, and the player looks like they already have realised that is better for MODOK to air dash horizontally instead of diagonally downwards because of his chair blast that bounces the opponent.

In a previous combo in the same video, the next move MODOK does is his launcher with the standard launcher follow up stuff…

Interestingly though in this combo on Tron, MODOK opts for a low attack followed up by a surprisingly super ranged normal that also causes wall bounce. The combo could even be safer skipping the low normal and going straight for the wall bounce in case the low to wall bounce only worked because of tron’s size.
The analyse cube and psionic blaster follow up looks effortless and safe, with the potential for a hyper PB to finish.

I wonder if it would be possible for MODOK to do this: air dash ->Air bounce move -> low blast -> high blast (wall bounce)-> dash forward -> launcher -> air normals -> analyse cube to headbutt super (seen in the same trailer on Dante) OR PB to HPB (versus spencer in symbiote spider gameplay)… DHC to Ice storm :stuck_out_tongue:

Really though, this post was mostly about the rangey wall bounce attack no one seems to really be talking about.

It may be possible to also: (close-ish to wall), air dash bounce attack -> low blast -> wall bounce attack -> jump AIR DASH -> air normals -> PB -> HPB -> bicycle kicks (on descent near wall) -> relaunch -> air normals -> PB -> HPB (or cube hyper headbutt)
If the bicycle kicks get blocked then go straight into Killer illumination, If no move connects and the opponents hits the ground first, then you can throw up aegis and go straight into killer illumination anyway as the opponent will be stuffed into the corner with the instinct to block whatever happens next.

Another move that hasn’t really been discussed is the the gunshot attack MODOK uses at 0.52 in [media=youtube]1T5ETmMmsYk&feature=related[/media] vs She-Hulk, It seems to have good range, I’m wondering if you could follow up Killer Illumination with this attack then go straight into HPB?

Thought might throw out some things to think about

im too hype about modok

there is a bit of troll in all of us

plus mountain dew is gdlk

And another thing: Is it practical to go for 9 LoUs?

Well, comboing into Analyze Cube seems easy enough. If the player really wanted to play some dirty keepaway and put up a huge Aegis with Gold Armour Arthur assists and Dormammu Liberation, going for max Understanding could be a valid stratedgy. Maybe.

Nice to see our relationship is build on ridicule and torment, Robo.

That has yet to be seen. I could see people getting like three of them in one combo with assists.

We love you Joc! <3

And I kinda like you guys.

Is that an insult?

I’m about to get salty.

looks at avatar

No insults here, sir.

Doritos is corny slams gavel Next meme please!!!

I dont like anal cube either but meh. That will prob stay. I’ll just call it Analyze cube.

We need Dante slang to knock Joc off his rocker. Fireworks - irew = Forks! Forks! Still food related


NEVHAR!!! Dont worry, I’m the meme oracle. It wont stick