M.O.D.O.K. Thread 2: Orgasm Harder

oh, since shield completely blocks you from moving past it… if you cross-up with it (if that’s even possible) maybe it’s possible to wallbounce on it?

something useful: The last color is almost certainly M.O.D.A.M.

Lol, mid screen corner combos?

Also since ballon bomb has a status effect I’m wondering if it hits an assist when you tag them in will you get a nasty control reverse surprise.

Dayum. What I was thinking was use it to force someone in the air and snag them with Skrulls AA grab. FUCK why cant it be February 15th.

We need to pretty up SRK with more MODOK avatars.

so the shield negates physical attacks (shown stopping trons drill strike) and stops movement. Once you get the opponent in the corner, drop a shield on em, and theoretically, they cant escape your pressure. If they go for a reversal, the shield eats it and you just punish them. If they jump over it, you punish them. Teleporters would just warp out, but its a solid pressure tactic for everyone else. Thats the way i see it anyway. Feel free to punch holes in this plan if you see any openings. Been spending my time theory-crafting how to effectively use modok on my team come Feb 15.

C.Viper and Dormmy will both rape the shield due to Seismo and Portal/Purification. So be warned.

so does arthur. We’ve seen torch and the gold version of the axe go right through it.

So Wesker, Arthur, Dormmy, and C. Viper will be bad match ups. MODOK on point will need some type of solid projectile assist to keep them from blasting you.

  1. were not the mbread community.

2.doritos is stupid as hell

But you’re OK with Anal Cube? Please tell me someone else aknowledges how *terrible *the term “Anal Cube” is. (No offense TC)

The advantage is anal cube came up organically (so to speak), that makes it worthwhile. Aegis did too.

Doritos and mountain dew are somebody trying to give something a cool/funny name, and that like never works, just about.

Also, trying that is lame.

Aegis I like, since it is pretty much a spammable non lethal version of Urien’s Aegis Reflector, but Anal Cube is just childish. We’re not in middle school anymore. I’ve said this before, but if Analyze Cube were to get a nickname, wouldn’t “Cube” simply work better?

Its no worse than psycho abortion :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s have a little wager tho’, I bet that without me doing anything, ‘anal cube’ will totally stick.

My reasons are 3fold. 1) We’re ALWAYS in middle school. 2) Like I said, it evolved naturally. 3) Its a natural abbreviation if you don’t catch the double entendre, so it’ll keep showing up again on accident.

anal cube is funny

I just… I just wanna douse myself in gasoline sometimes and light a match. But then you guys would use my burning corpse as a bonfire to reheat your fried chicken and tell Anal cube jokes around an open fire.


This is the same community that made curly moustache into an institution. Arguing against giving things nicknames is pointless, it’s GONNA happen.

yes, but some things work, others dont. its just how it is

I initially had no intention of using the MODOK slang. It seemed unwieldy and unnatural. But now that I know it bothers Jocelot it is great ammunition.

So I know we’re past the whole “Modok can’t block” debacle, but can he crouch? He doesn’t look like his posture is any different when he shoots the Mtn Dew. Hell, he only HAS one posture.