Is it just me but does he have some piss poor normals? The one that I see that people whiff 90% of the time is I believe his crouching weak attack. Where he slaps his face and a weak blast of energy comes out from his forehead. That bloody thing misses SO MUCH on crouched opponents.
I’d choose my words more carefully my friend.
lmao didn’t even see that, in the future ill just stick to calling them analyze cubes. God I already love this character, heres hoping people on the stream refer to them as anal cubes, will make for some very interesting statements.
Any character is going to look ineffective when nobody knows how to play him.
If Modok ends up being strong keepaway we dont need to stress his shitty normals.
There was actually a match I saw during the stream that had some one using modok with ammy’s cold star assist, craaaazy looking keep away.
how good is his headbutt and Limit Burst?
is it like ruby hearts or do you get to steer him?
You can’t change the headbutt’s direction(I think?) but you have full control over limit burst, it even looks more maneuverable then Super Skrull’s.
like move the stick or :qcf: attack?
plus i’ve versions of the headbutt
one went :uf: and i saw one go forward
I’m not taking anything away from the guy. He looks to be a lot of fun and very useful with all the crap he puts on the screen. Its just that a lot of his normals I see him doing just completely whiff on a crouching opponent or smaller opponent. But i guess that is the advantage of having a small hitbox.
In some of the more recent videos when I see someone block a cube MODOK’s … uhh… tiara doesn’t start glowing.
any guess on what his best assist is?(guessing a majority of you will say his shield)
I changed my mind on the shield assist.
The Floating Mine or Psionic Blaster would be better depending on the type of team. The only person I see the shield assist taking to a whole new level of annoying is Trish.
I like the floating mine cause not only does it stay on the field awhile, its also one more object they need to avoid that does damage.
Plus the shield doesn’t last long enough.
M.O.D.O.K. theme here
Yep, along with the tens of other MODOK theme videos on youtube.
And super late too.
Good find. I’ll add that info once I can get to an actual computer.
So Killer Illumination can just be ducked.
Hmm… I thought Keits said Killer Illumination was a level 3? Unless he has access to an even more updated build then the CES one…
Seriously? Is it instant at least? yeesh…
Killer Illumination was never a level 3. If it is, I’m disappointed.
KI a grab, so start blockstring and execute since all command grabs so far unblockable.