M.bison USF4 , any Rumors of buff/nerf changes?

Hey Dictators I need your attention ,

Its been a while since we heard the news of #USF4 ,
I wonder if anyone heard of any rumors of changes for m.bison in USF4

Or even tweeted combofiend or ono san , and asking about it , if you got a reply please
post it here if you got news from them

I tryed to tweet them several times but I dont seem to caught up thier attentions anyways

yes… ive heard rumors

Eventscrubs has had a changelog page posted since August with no source, so take that as you will.

Nothing regarding dictator though.

Yep, Bispson players (and half the cast) are still in the dark. It’s not like we should get excited about these “announced” changes, though. Half of them probably won’t happen.

He will still be ass, and we will still suffer.

Oh so no news yet then :confused: man tbh I m not too optimistic about theusf4, I actually have a bad feeling about it for bison match ups , I think it will go worse even if they buff bipson abit or even return him to super version , cause there are some characters that got buffed and buffed and going to get buffed in usf4 …cough Guy cough , anyways I m going to wait for news to come out in eventhubs or from ayano.


Thanks for replying my fellow bipson players

Oh so no news yet then :confused: man tbh I m not too optimistic about theusf4, I actually have a bad feeling about it for bison match ups , I think it will go worse even if they buff bipson abit or even return him to super version , cause there are some characters that got buffed and buffed and going to get buffed in usf4 …cough Guy cough , anyways I m going to wait for news to come out in eventhubs or from ayano.


Thanks for replying my fellow bipson players

It was mentioned, in this jap. blog that they got a lot of request for improving his AA game and Ultra 2 … so … I am pretty sure they will do … something !?

There was also the suggestions from combofiend after the community feedback weeks … but some of this stuff was “strange” … like increasing damage of scissor kicks !?

Well … in the end … if Bison would get a better cr.hp + more damage from FADC SK + better Ultra 2 … he will be fine.

man double Ultra and Red Focus attack , i feel this system changes is a double edge sword for bison as if he isnt currently and in some situations ironically

i have a bad feeling about this …

oh cool i hope they do buff him and give him a better reliable Comeback potential , he needs more buff judging from the new system mechanics , i think he will needs more than he had in Super version

If there are no major changes than I got the feeling that Red Focus will be a huge issue for Bison … this can be a big fat stop sign against corner SK pressure … 8(

Also … W ultra is more or less useless for Bison … due to the fact that his Ultra set up (hell attack) is so unreliable and the damage nerf will make it more or less useless …

They need to improve both Ultras dramatically to make W Ultra usefull as a utility tool … like … faster start up for Ultra 1 & 2 so you have AA and anti-FB.

Does not look very good so far … but we will see …

Valle was talking on his stream yesterday that we might be able to use baits for RFA with something like cr.Forward -> teleport. Seems like a decent starting place.

Both ultras out, Bison’s counter measures kinda go up. And the damage penalty isn’t that bad either since the base damage is very acceptable. I’d still like QCF motions for Ultra 2 cuz it’s just gonna be more badly buffered teleports for me since my execution is butt :frowning:

From a reputable source Bison is getting the following (as it stands now)

  1. Faster U2. Still charge but better startup as it’s useless at the moment.
  2. Cr.mp to have anti air properties. Presumably similar to Guys.
  3. Devils reverse to travel faster on the way down. It was mentioned that this could be regarded as a nerf and a buff. Potentially because he may fall closer to the opponent although this is just something I’m speculating on.

s.mk special cancelable

just an idea off of a Cr.mp anti air. most everyone knows that if you hit your opponent with 1 jumping mp you can juggle them with Cr.mp into cross up psycho crusher. my question is if Cr.mp becomes an anti-air could that potentially juggle your opponent into a similar situation? Your anti-air could really bait people into doing random dps/(flash kicks), due to fear of the mixup, and you get a free ultra afterwards. just an idea, it might not juggle them at all. anyone else have any thoughts on this?

It’s possible sure. Other things to test would be cancelling into lk scissors to see if you have time to recover and mess with crossup timing etc. Could also see if crouch teching with it could be useful for Viper burnkick shennanigans. A lot of people can hopefully test out stuff at the loc tests.

and still no word on cr.HP buff that Dictator players have been asking for years?

how would using both ultra’s be useful? I tried thinking about this for awhile, and can’t seem to see it worthwhile to trade damage for the ability to use another ultra that is pretty similar. Both will only connect off of jMP x 2, and after a focus. I don’t really see many places that U1 would be useful, except in close if they’re trying to bait you with something that recovers fast on wakeup.

I also don’t see cMP being a useful AA lol.

Zhi confirmed that red focus cancels cost 4 bars.

So it seems bison has a reliable way of landing ultra 1 now.
Except it costs a full super and you need to hit confirm it.

Also, since they confirmed delayed wake ups, what do you guys think this will do to bison’s gameplan?
Since they didn’t really explain how delayed wakeup works, I can only guess the obvious: the game’ll get even more defensive as a solution to nerf vortex characters, and non-vortex characters will get the short end of the stick.
So matches where we don’t have the life advantage will be even harder.

Combofiend I believe said that delayed wakeup only is available on hard-knockdown, so it’s always a 50/50 game.

I don’t think it will affect Bison too much, since it’s not like we rely heavily on our oki game anyway. I will miss slide -> crossup PC, but we’ll get by (if red focus doesn’t kill us, that is.)