Lucky's October Tournament - 10.11.2008 - Greensboro, NC

Fun times everyone. Thanks for coming out. Some interesting placings this time around. Good shit all. Next tournament November 15th, 2008.

Third Strike

  1. Cajunstrike (MA)
  2. Knuckledust (MA)
  3. Face (CH)
  5. Lucious (RY)
  6. JiBbo (YA)

Third Strike Random Teams

  1. Brent/Cajunstrike (RY/KE)
  2. Austin/DP (NE/YA)
  3. Villainous/Face (AK/CH)
  4. Cameron/Tom (MA/KE)

—highlight is when Sam accidentally taunted with Ken, and then proceed to strong fierce uppercut Jon’s Akuma. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


  1. Matt Frank
  2. Mike Gibson
  3. Austin
  4. Byron
  5. Cajunstrike
  6. Villainous

GGAC Random Teams

  1. Q/Matt
  2. John/Kris
  3. Austin/Cameron
  4. Brent/Ron


  1. Cajunstrike
  2. Peter Hou
  3. Lucious Clayton
  4. DP
  5. Matt Frank
  6. Blake Mansour


  1. Villainous
  2. longshot
  3. Cameron
  4. Robert
  5. Xflow
  6. Brent Taylor

SFA3 Round Robin

  1. Matt Frank
  2. DP
  3. Lucious
  4. Justin

—thanks for voting and then showing up assholes :mad:

KOFUM Round Robin

  1. Arstal
  2. everyone else

—Arstal 2-0s Brent and Blake and 2-1s myself. The rest wasn’t played due to obvious reasons.

See everyone at the next. Thread will be up soon. Peace out.

I think Justin and I are the only one’s who voted for A3 out of the 5 who actually played it. Kinda whack things happened like that, but I’m glad I got to play against other people at least.

Good show Lu! I watched your match with Hard bread and I swear my jaw hit the floor and stayed there. That Ryu is straight TACHI ENPI!

Congrats to Tom gettin to grand finals, was fun watching you play in the spot light.

GGs to everyone I played. I guess I need more Makoto practice…

Teams was TOOO hype.

Face top 3!:woot: EEEEyyYYYYa!

well would you look at that. an NC team finally placed in a team tourney!!!


Roski wins CvS2 in NC after his brush with greatness at C3. I see you.

Damn I haven’t had that much fun in a long as time. Good Shit to everyone I played. Now if I could just touch that First place spot…



CVS2 partners for life!!! SON!!!

back to training for me!!!

NC/VA/MD reppin at Season Beatings…LETS GET IT IN!!!

I wanna see all of NC at Beatings!

cheap shot. very low blow.

face is up and coming.

Good times, I had some close 3s matches that I’d lost during the tournament, but it was crazy fun. Teams was ultra hype. I wish we got some of those on video. I was so mentally defeated during the games we did afterwards, but whatever. GGs Tom and Jibbs.

I actually voted for Vampire Savior. :lol::lol: I wasn’t expecting such a good V-ism cody from you. He’s so cheap - he keeps dodging damn it! Good shit to everyone who played. Low turnout, but it awesomely nostalgic. Hard Bread, I forgot to break out VS casuals with you, next time.

YEAH, well you’re only getting 4 of em so take that.

Just not right. Someone needs to get wacked, I’m not gonna say who…or should I say Hou?

No prob…i was thinking about bringing a set-up myself but i ended up taking the bus to Lucky’s, would’ve been cool to see where i stand against other people in VS.

Tourney was fun. 3s was awesome as always. I was actually displeased with my atrocious execution that day, but somehow i managed fourth…Im going to try very hard next tourney for top 3 at least, gotta make everyone back home at CF proud. Good shit to Knuckle Dust for beating me and getting that solid 2nd, and good shit to Jibbo for keeping me on my toes and helping me look like i know how to play fighting games.