There’s probably a lot I’m not getting right, I’m heavily guessing from context here. Man, this is hard.
The tricky cross-up
I studied the properties of cross-up attacks (attacks that fall in your back, which you have to block either straight or reversed) of the first part of the characters.
I limited myself from the many individual situations you can encounter.
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- Ryu, Ken cross-ups Vega
- Chun Li’s kick-to-the-back crossup
- X-Blanka cross-ups Ryu, Ken
- Zangief cross-ups Ryu, Ken
- Dhalsim’s roundhouse slide after a grab (?) against Ryu, Ken
- X-Guile cross-ups Ryu, Ken
- Deejay cross-ups Ryu, Ken
- X-Vega cross-ups Ryu, Ken
Ryu, Ken
After an anti-air shoryuken, the timing of a roundhouse kick varies.
The upper pictures show a slightly late timing for the hit, so it becomes a cross-up. In the lower pictures, the getting-up happens earlier (??), so it becomes a straight-guard.
Deciding on Ryu and Ken’s combos from the jump kick is subtle, but this situation doesn’t change (I think X-Ken is also hard to decide against). ** I’m really not sure about this sentence
( 1 )
Ryu opens with a jump (lower part).
In the upper part, after a frame, Ryu also jumps.
( 2 )
Vega starts to get up.
( 3 )
Immediately after Vega has gotten up.
Vega can fully move (decide the guard).
( 4 )
He turns around in an instant (upper part).
In the lower part, he straight guards (holds ? to guard correctly).
( 5 )
The upper part is a cross-up (hold ? to guard correctly)
In short, the result of the above is that depending on Ryu or Ken’s timing against Vega, the guard’s direction changes.
On Vega’s side, will it be a slightly early timing (overlap precisely when he gets up)? If you think so, straight guard. But if it overlaps from the moment you see the getting-up motion, reverse guard.
However, the obnoxious speed at which you have to decide means that you will be hit many times after all, I think.
By the way, for whichever of the timings described above for the roundhouse kick hit, the follow-up uppercut shoryuken doesn’t change definition. (?)
? ??? ?
Here’s an example movie I made.
[Ryu, Ken crosses-up Vega]