Well I just ordered my fightstick, haven’t touched a fighter since I was a kid in the arcade some 12 years ago and have just recently started watching. I want to start off with a well rounded character but I also don’t want to devote time into a character I won’t want to play. I intend on going to locals and actually trying to get on the same level as some of the people in my city so I would also like a higher tier competitive pick as well.
So far I’ve found myself looking towards Cammy, Sakura, Makato, and possibly Abel. Again I don’t know anything about any matchup’s so please try and persuade me out of a character rather than into a character. Where are each of the characters flaws [what matchups are hard and why,] because I’ve already seen all of them do work in videos [ofcourse that doesn’t mean shit but I’m already convinced I’ll like these characters.]
Also once I get my fightstick I’m not sure which console I plan on getting the game for which is the more active community for this game, ps3 or 360?
Lastly I’m thinking I want to work on defence first and find out where I can punish people rather than the opposite way and working on my offence and cutting back the areas that I am punished, anyone have any opinions on this, I know ssf4 is supposed to be a game of patience and strategy more than doing strings of combo’s trying to kill your opponent as fast as possible so I want to be in the defensive mindset so I understand why I can and can’t do things in a more clear sense. [I figure its easier to add something good than it is to subtract something bad.]
Thanks :]