Looking to start up in SSF4AE Character suggestions and starting points?

Well I just ordered my fightstick, haven’t touched a fighter since I was a kid in the arcade some 12 years ago and have just recently started watching. I want to start off with a well rounded character but I also don’t want to devote time into a character I won’t want to play. I intend on going to locals and actually trying to get on the same level as some of the people in my city so I would also like a higher tier competitive pick as well.

So far I’ve found myself looking towards Cammy, Sakura, Makato, and possibly Abel. Again I don’t know anything about any matchup’s so please try and persuade me out of a character rather than into a character. Where are each of the characters flaws [what matchups are hard and why,] because I’ve already seen all of them do work in videos [ofcourse that doesn’t mean shit but I’m already convinced I’ll like these characters.]

Also once I get my fightstick I’m not sure which console I plan on getting the game for which is the more active community for this game, ps3 or 360?

Lastly I’m thinking I want to work on defence first and find out where I can punish people rather than the opposite way and working on my offence and cutting back the areas that I am punished, anyone have any opinions on this, I know ssf4 is supposed to be a game of patience and strategy more than doing strings of combo’s trying to kill your opponent as fast as possible so I want to be in the defensive mindset so I understand why I can and can’t do things in a more clear sense. [I figure its easier to add something good than it is to subtract something bad.]

Thanks :]

Looks are nothing compared to the actual feel of the character. Wait till you get yourself set up and ready to go then mess around with the characters. Its possible you might not like playing as any of the characters listed, and might instead like playing as Seth or maybe even Gen for two examples. As I’ve said in another thread on NSD pick a character you like for any reason at all, even if you don’t have a reason it’s fine, then stick with it through thick and thin. After that you’ll eventually get to the stage of skill which you desire, and then the fun part is moving from there and learning the advanced shit :slight_smile: IMO though out of the ones you listed I would go with Cammy. Sakura has some weird timing on combos, Makoto has an odd move set and Abel is a grappler (kind of). Once again thats just my opinion and the reasons why I stay away from those 3.