Looking to start hostin RANBATS in Dedham MA

In the near future I may be given the chance to host events at a location on RTE 1 in Dedham MA at some point.

I’m posting this here to see if there is enough interests and get some suggestions from players. So if the area is accessible to players, any suggestions and comments are welcome.

What is the name of the venue? I am pretty close to dedham so I wouldn’t mind checking it out

I’m still working out the details like time, location, hardware ( I have a 360 but am working on a couple of PS3’s) but that isn’t much of an issue.

I’m just trying to figure how to make this work like who and how many would be interested. I’m kinda new to this but I wanna make it work.

I’m pretty close to Dedham… wouldn’t mind checking it out.

You should add me to Xbox live so we can discuss more about this. Add me when you can, my XBL is on the side of this post.

i would go.

I’d get down there too, I’ll tell people to hit this thread up

Me and my friend live right near dedham and would def go if something got started, pref thursday nights or saturday days

What’s going on with this? Hopefully something comes up soon.

I’d be down for this as well since i work in norwood