Looking For Street Fighter 5 Players In The East Bay (510, Richmond, San Pablo, Berkeley, Pinole)

I’m looking for people to help me get better at Street Fighter 5. I’ve played a lot of fighting games before (TvC, Marvel 3, Skullgirls, and Smash) but Street Fighter is pretty new to me. I’m a Dhalsim player.

I’m a little shy to go to big events with a lot of to play a game I’m still learning, but I would love to play some one on one casual games in person at my place and hopefully help each other get better. I live in alone Richmond near Hilltop and can host most weekends, or weeknights. Please reply or send me a PM if you’re interested.

Hey I’m looking for some SFV/marvel players in the 510 area too! Pm me and lets get some sessions going

I’m in El Cerrito and am down to meet up! Let me know.


I work in the area, and would drop by for some matches. I feel like I hafta warn tho, I only use Laura so any practice against me might be close to useless. But I definitely would like practice against Dhalsim cuz I rarely play him online

Yeah, I haven’t been able to find anyone to play locally. I’m in Oakland.

So is anyone still down?

I played a couple of sessions with the host a couple months ago but hes been kinda MIA. Ya’ll should PM him and see if hes still interesting in hosting.

Yeah, something needs to happen in the East Bay. I’m down to help organize something if this is bust.

@FaytStar Lemme know if you need some help. There needs to be a community out here where we could run some sets and level up!

I pm’d Honor Basq, but no response. This is why I miss having local arcades to play at.

You’re more than welcome to come play at our Tuesday night weekly out here in Concord. Everyone seems chill and just want to play/gitgood. Shit talking is straight friendly. And don’t get me started on being shy. I find socializing with people I dont know difficult as well, yet I run the event … so, yeah. ::expressionless:

Look for the It Was Tuesday thread.

I will join your tournament soon, but just not today.

Yesterday was my 3rd time being to this event and its hella chill. Smoothly run tournament, plenty of setups to play casuals. Its a good spot to level up and play some really great people.

Anybody in this thread looking to carpool to next weeks IWT hit me up!

Where do you travel from @ThatLegitBro

@tharimrattler Travel from the 510, specifically Hercules.

So I tried organizing some stuff, but it hasn’t turned out very well. Any spots start up? Is that weekly still happening at Phoenix? Really trying crack this open.

It Was Tuesday is still around, but we’re entering life support if people don’t show up tonight. It’s getting really difficult to get people in the 925 to support a SFV weekly. BUT, we’re doing it again tonight. 6PM sign ups. 7:10PM start.

whats up guys im glad i found this. ive been trying to find a scene since umvc3 came out. im from richmond san pablo area and play almost everything, mainly umvc3 but i can play sf5, nitro+, uniel. i have a few friends who can play also. We have this ccc tournament once a month but they havent planned the next one yet. sf5 was featured but no one showed up so we hope to grow it the next one coming. hit me up if you guys want to play anything