Looking for SF 4 Casuals Poughkeepsie, Brewster, NY, Danbury CT Let's goooooooooooooo

Guys trying to find casuals in my area hopefully we can get it going. I live in Dover Plains NY. I’m close to Poughkeepsie and Brewster, plus the CT border is right here so Danbury area is close too (bethel, new milford). C’MON there’s gotta be something going down. Hope we can hook up!

Nothing good huh? If there’s some interested folks to start something let’s talk. There a couple mom n pop video game / hobby joints in the area. I’d host something at my place if had room…

What do you play? Usf4 and mk9 psn here. From Poughkeepsie

join the Connecticut FGC page on facebook its super active. Also check it out since you are in the, event October 18th
