Looking for players to level up with

What up FGC. Not new to the scene or anything just an average joe whos been around for a while, since the SFIV era actually, never really had time to focus on my game but I am here to take it more serious now and attemtpt to level up my game. So Im on here looking for more like minded players to play agianst, train with and hopefully make something of it this time and maybe even make to NEC next year. The main
games im focusing on currently are MVCI and also SFV but mainly marvel, so im gonna drop my psn tag: “Dragon_Fly_Jone” , and see what happens. Peace


Hit up the networking forums, or check out matchmaking for hooking up with players in your local area.

Since people post so infrequently in those forums, my PSN is kestrelman12. I’ll add you.

Can we chill with the ‘post in the right forum’ policing. Dude’s just trying to level up and find some spar buddies and no-duh he’s gonna post in the main subsection. It’s really not that serious. There’s not SO many spam threads here that we have to nazis about this.

In fact the super specific compartmentalize style of SRK is exclusively why it has the most convulted, needlessly confusing forum layout I ever seen. Here’s the SFV section, but then here’s the ‘matchmaking’ section, which isn’t actually the ‘local scene section’, but to know why go to the newbie section, etc.

Like a really bad RPG menu screen. From bioware.

I’ll consider adding you as well. If I come back.

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