Looking for new place to play in Madison Wi

A handful of players that usually play on the east side of Madison will unfortunately be losing our place to play. We play at the Fraggin Dragon every Thursday. We’re called the Mad City Monks, but it was just something that we called the student group back when it started when I was in college. I hold have no tie to the name and I dont plan to have it follow the small number of players we have in our group with us if we find a new place to play. All I want to do is play some fighting games with some cool people. The main game we play is AE, there are some decent players, but we’re by no means the greatest. We just like to have fun. We have a few people who dabble in different games and we’re all willing to try out new fighters. We all love learning how to play new games. If you’re interested in adding a handful more players to wherever it is that you play please let me know. Thanks

We have a group of players that meet at my apartment weekly on Friday nights on the West side, over by West Towne mall. We generally play a variety of games, mostly focused on Marvel. There’s two people that play KoF, a few people that play AE, a few people play P4U sorta. Sometimes a few Smash players drop by too. A few of us dropped by one time at the Fraggin Dragon to play Marvel and AE at a tournament, probably was like a year ago or so I’d guess?

I’ll shoot you a PM with more info.

Awesome, thanks!

Do you guys still play? I just moved to the Madison area and would love to find some people to get together with.

Yep, I sent a reply to your PM.