Looking for game Share Marvel Vs Capcom Origins

Hey so I wasn’t sure where to post this I looking for a gameshare PS3 of Marvel VS Capcom Origins

I have Marvel Vs Capcom 2 and would be willing to gameshare that in exchange or other offers considered

Thank you

I would for sure be willing to do this gameshare. I have MvC origins as well as Third Strike and CvS2. Sorry for the extremely late bump but if you see this please PM me.

Have already done trade with someone for this game but thank you.

might have to pick mvc:orgins up again. :slight_smile: Might be looking for game share soon.

Do you have MVC2? Would love to gameshare if that’s the case

Hello! I am new around here and was hoping someone could gameshare Marvel Vs Capcom Origins or Marvel Vs Capcom 2 with me. I would really appreciate it.

I’m game sharing off of my friends account. I had it under my old GT, but I couldn’t recover my password, so I no longer have ownership. sorry. Check out, marvel vs capcom 2 group on facebook, lot’s of active players on there, might have a good chance. https://www.facebook.com/groups/marvelvscapcom2/

Okay, you chaps might have to explain it a bit to us ‘un-initiated’…what you mean by game-share exactly??? I know Share-play with the PS4 (Invite a friend in your PS4 chat room to ‘couch co-op’ or even Vs (fake local) with you even if that person don’t have the copy)…

Hello could u gameshare with me marvel origins i can pay