Looking for Fighting Game Community in Germany


::Deep breath::

I’m an American player that currently lives in the United Kingdom. I’ve been here for almost 7 years, and I’ve proudly been apart of the fighting game community actively for about 2 years now. From participating, to organizing and hosting events, both sponsored and non-sponsored.

I’m really happy being active in this community, and would like to continue with my contributions if possible. However, I’m leaving the UK in the Fall and heading to Germany. I haven’t met many German players at any of the UK events, but I’m certain there is a scene there.

Could anybody give me a hand with getting acquainted with the scene there? I’m moving to Heisberg, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany… Near the border of the Netherlands :: shrugs :: not really sure what all that means tho.

I’ve searched and I see people being referred to HardEdge.org, but oddly enough, the whole site is in German (imagine that), which doesn’t really do me well at this very moment. If any body could give me a hand, I’d appreciate it!



I know this is a pretty old thread and noone replied but still, don’t give up hope, there is a scene in germany! :wink:

HardEdge is the best place to start… but yeah, it’s in german (who would have thought… :D).

There are already some bigger events in germany and (imho) the best place for Beat em Ups is actually NRW so the cologne area is perfect! :wink:

We have the Fightclub NRW (<-- :tup: ) events that always take place in or near Cologne, there is FFM Rumble and MaxDamagermany in Frankfurt (2h from Cologne) and some other large events in the Stuttgart area (around 4h drive from Cologne).

Lately, there has been a (slowly becoming) regular event in Essen (45 minutes from cologne) that has kind of a Ranbat style.

All this is referring to SSFIV and MvC3, there are also some very good BB, GG, HNK and 3rd players all over germany so don’t worry, you’ll be fine! :wink:

If you can make it, get in contact with the scene at the end of may in Cologne at the “Road to EVO”-event (FightClub NRW Road to EVO 2011!). I’m one of the organizers so if you have any questions, ask here or send a PM.

Hope that helps! :slight_smile:
