Looking for competitive players open to helping a noob

Anyone who has read my post in one of the other sections knows the background I have, but for those who havent, Im not completely incompetent but to a truly skilled player, I would definitely appear to be lol I need more training in predicting attacks and working on my combos. Just looking for a cool battle buddy that would be cool with sparring a fellow player and helping to expand the player base with some new meat. Hit me up.


just please put SSFV in the subject line of any friend adds… my son plays little big planet sometimes and i get friend adds from people he plays with on there, so i wouldnt want to accidentally delete you lol

This topic is going to be close real soon junior :oops:

Oh yeah? and why is that… cant say its in the wrong section. and in all honesty, at my age there is a small possibility im old enough to be your dad. and if you are older than me, congratulations, but i would still appreciate a little more respect than being called “junior”… i believe ive earned it.

dont listen to Ez, he’s retarded

my advice would be to just play around. if you play someone good in ranked, send him a message saying gg and maybe add them as a friend. if they accept you, they’ll probably wanna play you again. same for endless rooms.

Check this thread:

:slight_smile: In before lock… dood!