Looking for an old thread

if memory serves me right,it was called NKI’s japan log or something similar
of course,there was a fair bit of II X / super turbo talk in it
pretty cool and interesting stuff

it disappeared from srk a few years ago,maybe during a migration ?
a copy of it used to be on nki’s site but looks like you can no longer access it

i would ask NKI directly but he hasn’t logged on in years and i have no other way of getting in touch with him

thank you in advance for your help

Haven’t seen those in years. Nohohoho’s blog is still around, which has a ton of good information, but no clue about NKI’s stuff.

I’ll try asking him on facebook.

Is it this?


yep , that’s the one ! thanks a lot , eltrouble
that thread really inspired me a lot (logs during stays in japan,for example)

i have been to many,many game centers in japan
but the fact that i was too late to see MORE or game in namiki…still pains me to this day

Likewise. Those early days sound REALLY, really fun. But there was still a lot of strong competition and friendly players when I went to Japan a few months ago. HEY in Akiba, Big One in Minami Urawa, Matmouse in Kashimoda, Mikado in Takadanobaba, all great places.

I haven’t even been to Osaka or Nagoya yet, where they also have really strong gamecenters in UFO, Neyagawa ABC, etc…