Looking for an Ibuki teacher

I’ve been “playing” her for about a year, I read the ssfiv guide about her, the 40 page guide for her and all the research that i could but I’m just not able to get any better with her. I’m hoping to find somebody on xbox 360 to add me and spar with me, help me with her sjc, vortex and everything, i use controller ( i have a stick but i’m not good with it) but i’m willing to do whatever to learn to be good with her. Add me on xbox

BT KllrInstinct

(also if i posted this on wrong forum i’m sorry i’m still getting use to this site)

I’d love to, but I can’t play at night anymore 'cause the stick is too loud. However if you go and post replays into the Critique Thread I’ll make a bunch of comments of what to do, and if I have an hour or two free I’ll try and play.

i can’t post replays, i have a capture card (cheap one) but my computer is too bullshit to make any use of it

Use the stick, and only the stick. It’ll take awhile, but it’ll pay off.

I don’t play XBL/PSN anymore (I stay the fuck away from that laggy shit), but I play AE PC instead.
GFWL: MingoDynasty

First thing you should do though, is find your local scene and attend regularly.

I have pretty much the same request as KllrInstinct.
Been playing for a year or 2.
I’m a ibuki main, vortexless however to practice everything else.
If someone wouldn’t mind to also do the training as KllrInstinct listed above, with me
I’m a pc player [EU,belgium]
steamname snic

I would like to opt in as well for a tutor session if anyone is willing. I could definitely use some guidance on what I should be practicing the most. I also need some help on how to properly use focus in to combos and SJC’s. I also don’t know how to integrate her ultra. I know my, normals, BnB’s, TC’s, footies, and anti airs. (anything else I am missing?)

Thanks, in advance here is my steam : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993106647