Looking for a PS4 compatible board for Virtual On

Back in 2015, I build an Xbox 360 compatible twin stick for VOOT on XBLA by kitbashing an HRAP3, Sega Saturn Twin Stick, and a wired Xbox 360 gamepad

Yeah, it’s a bit ugly on the inside. :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, I recently ordered A Certian Magical Virtual On for PS4 and VOOT and other games are also coming to PS4 this fall as well. So I’d like to convert this stick for Virtual On on PS4. Not to mention, since I can get those on physical media, I don’t have to fear when XBLA and my 360’s HDD will die. But most arcade sticks boards are designed for ONE joystick, in the case of VOOT on 360 we needed to wire both digital twin sticks into the analog pots with resisters. I’m hoping there’s something I can do a little more out of the box to convert my twin stick but most I’ve found are all for single digital joysticks.

I hope there’s some suggestions other than ‘Enjoy frankensteining a PS4 gamepad PCB’. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Brook PS4 Fighting Board with Audio has points/pins for Rx/Ry/Lx/Ly for your analog sticks. It’ll probably be your easiest bet.


Wow, that was fast, and thanks a lot. Looks lie these are are still analog pots, so I’ll still have to do some minor hacking to get the digital twin sticks to interface right, but it has to be FAR easier than doing it directly on a mutilated 360 pad PCB. Thanks a lot! :smiley:

No prob.

Were you looking for “digital” equivalents to the left/right-sticks instead?
I don’t know of any PCB that has those standard; most custom PCBs have toggle switch to turn the digital D-pad into digital either left- or right-analog signals (like the LS-DP-RS switch on retail sticks), but I don’t think any of them give you access to both digital-LS and digital-RS signals at the same time.

It’s okay, I can do a hack, had to do it on the pots for the 360 pad anyway, as a result the digital twin sticks basically send neutral, full + or full - to the pot, with nothing in between, Effectively making the pots digital like a d-pad and it worked perfectly on 360. And that was whole hacking it onto a PCB that was NOT built to have a bunch of wires soldered to it, so doing it with this board would be a piece of cake in comparison.