Looking for a Gamecube converter for my SE SF4 stick

I want to get myself a Gamecube converter that I can connect my SF4 SE Stick to but I’m having a hard time finding it on eBay, Amazon, etc because I don’t really have a name for it. Can anyone help? Much appreciated!

I don’t think there are USB to Gamecube connectors. There are PS2 to GC but that’s about it.

Buy and use a MC Cthulhu instead with a RJ-45 and Rj-45 to GCN cable.

Sorry but I believe there is no such thing. Instead you’d either have to buy a whole new stick or use an MC Cthulhu board to make it work on PS3/Gamecube. (which would require rewiring the whole stick. No more turbo.)

I see, Alright, thanks fellas!!