Longview T.x...GREG C.O...needs game groups

There is a interview about it on www.evenhubs.com, check it out

what’s up guys? still playing that blazeblu?

Pshh, it seems like hardly anybodies playing anything over here :(. They’re all about to get on that Tekken.

You guys getting together this friday? At least Longview should be able to get some games in without me organizing it. Keep practicing though I’ll be in Longview soon to grab the rest of my stuff and I want to see you guys at Absolute Battle!

I’ll be at AB, and I would love to get matches but my dang homecoming is tonight =(. Then I go into work at 10.

You got that right.:cool:

Just curious, if I were to setup a monthly tournament in the East Texas area (Canton, Tx) that would include the following games:


How many would be interested?

Also all this talk about KOF and if anyone wants to get their heads smashed in it I’m game (Any KOF just pick one)…Also I dont like Capcom’s versions of the SNK characters because if you actually play the SNK games you’ll realize:

-They are watered down to hell compared to their SNK counterparts (with the exception of Rock)
-Are too slow

Don’t give me the “higher frames” argument for the speed either. KOFXII is a pretty fast game and it looks better than CVS2.

I would. Especially t6 but the closest I can play is in Bossier and it’s a damn dollar with block damage.

What if I chipped in for travel or arranged for others to help you?

I would be completely down with that, I’d sign up for the two SF’s at least. I say that’s a good idea.

Okay because that’s something SERIOUSLY in the works right now…getting a venue built within the next few months…

I’d be interested just because of bb, tekken is just icing on the cake

Hey I think those of us that moved to Austin would be down to come to this. I love me some SSF4 and BB. Maybe Tekken 6: BR. But is this a venue for tournament events or would it be like an arcade people can frequent or console or what?

It’d be a venue for tournament events and I could eventually turn it into an arcade…it’ll be a company endeavor as part of the company I am a part of…so it’s possible…I’m trying to get ideas for people because we are about to shell out some money to get this particular venue built…

So it’s very serious…the more input the better…

I’m down. Where will this be located? Canton? Don’t know much about the place actually. But just keep us informed…I’m pretty much just kicking back waiting on Tekken, I’m pretty much out of the loop in everything else.

Yeah this would be in Canton, Texas. I’ll keep you informed.

Absolute Battle 2009 - Dallas, TX DEC 5-6 $500 bonus for SF4!


SW regional in Dallas just 2 months away. Door prizes include best buy gift cards!
Discount on hotel for outta towners.

$500 bonus for SF4 and working on getting more money!

Just posting to be posting…

Hey Noble are you gonna be down to go to AB? They’ll have Tekken and I need some more people to room with.

Yea I’ll probably go…