i play XI but not alot…mk i know joe plays really not alot of people
my brother plays KOF 2003 im not sure which number is that…he also plays MK2 and he was asking if there was a tournament or if anyone plays it…but im hoping to go for 3s and smash…maybe ST…but idk it doesnt seem that many ppl play a lot of games over there except for 3s, smash, and GG…but thats just from seeing the vids and the pics…
Well, maybe if people actually BROUGHT MK or other games and actually RAN tournaments for it, it would get a lot more attention. Once I get the time I’m going to modify the post that I keep on using for these tournaments, Eddie’s is getting old and I’ve been getting a lot of questions about tournaments for a lot of other games, including MK.
God damn these snow flakes. Is there any way to turn them off?
thats cool…i heard some ppl from the MK forums were going and one of them wanted to havea tournament for MK2 but idk…but anyways my brother will be bringing MK2 (Midway arcade treasures 2) for the ps2 and KOF 2003…ill be going for 3s myself…i also heard you guys got the SBO set up goin…how did you manage to pull that off
It was actually really simple. I had an A/V splitter which splits the signal 4 ways. So I plugged in the A/V cables from the PS2 into that, and then I just used two standard A/V cables and ran those from the splitter into the TVs. I then put the TVs back to back and that’s it! I also then ran a third line into my USB capture device and recorded the Top 8 matches.
thats nice man…good job on that one…i cant wait to see that for myself…one more question about bringing things…if we bring a game like 3s does that take $5 off the entry fee for tournaments too?..im probably bringing a ps2 and 3s so im just wondering
the games that at usally played at castle golf tourns are
3s,guilty gear,melty blood( if there is laptop available),akatsuki blitzkampf( again if laptop is available)arcana heart, cvs2, mvc2
but im sure if you have enough people for any game tourn that can be played and people willing to run that tourn
What’s the latest version of melty blood that everyone plays?
version B. for pc…
Big Bad Mog thanks for comign out saturday night represenin some gg and arcana!!!
Not a problem. Thank you for having me over. Hope to go to more.
EDIT: BTW, I can’t seem to find a crack or iso for B, any way to get it? PM if ya can.
Only if we use it. However, PS2s are always in demand, so if we use that, then you can take the $5 off. However, if we use your PS2 and the game, then it’s still just $5. If I allowed it to be $10 off, people would be like, “Oh well I brought a controller and mad people are using it, can I get money off?”.
It’s all quiet on the eastern front…I’ll be back January 5th to Long Island.
I’M BACK! what’s going down on the island? any events in the long island area?
when will the next castle golf tourney be? i wanna try to come
out there for the next one :3
Jan 19.
thanks, hopefully i can make it out.
There is a thread going on in the tournament discussion board for Castle Fight Night #6 with all information regarding the tournament. Be sure to tell everyone you know!
I got my new capture equipment yesterday! It works a lot better than my previous piece so you guys can expect much better quality videos this time around!
awesome xaq i think chibi and zaelar will be attending as well should be lots of fun
Damn guys, things are really starting to shape up with these tournaments!