Lodi Norcal Throwdown is throwing a Smash brothers brawl tournament!10/24/10 Lodi,CA


So we in Lodi have sucessfully thrown 3 great Street Fighter tournaments with the last one bringing in 44 participants for SSFIV and 9 for TvC! We are proud to announce that we are adding SSBB to the line up and are looking to get a much larger venue. In order to do that we need to run more great fighting games. Smash is a great game with a great community. The SSBB tournament will be held on October 24th on Sunday. The tournament will be for CASH PRIZES and the pot will be split up 70%, 20%, 10%. The entry fee will be 10 dollars 2 of which will go towards future tournaments. The rules of the tournament will be standard MLG tournaments. The ultimate goal is to get enough of a player base to run brawl in a hall in November with SSFIV, CVS2, MVC2, 3rd Strike, Tekken, and TVC. So please spread the word and get HYPE!

There will be a poll to see if there is a demand for a side team tournament. If the demand is met the entry for the team tournament will be $5 per member (2 members per team) and the house will take a $2 cut. I will be posting this on ALLISBRAWL.COM as well so lets get hype and get our Brawl on!

The address for the Venue is.

Lodi Comic Grapevine
9 West Pine St
Lodi Ca
And will be provided by Alan Chan.

The tournament will be played on 4 Crt Setups. We can provide standard Cube controllers/wave birds and classic controllers, but you will be able to bring any of your own controllers (which we strongly encourage). There will be a losers and winners bracket, double elimination. Enrollment starts at 11am and ends at 3:00pm. The tournament starts at 3:00pm to give players time to relax have casuals and eat lunch.
Parking is free.

For any other questions contact.
Randal Weber @ 209-369-1405 Tuesday through Sunday from 10 am - 7 pm, or for quick question you can send a message to me, Rtypefinal, codallenschmidt on the SRK forums.

We had 44 participants for a SSIV tournament. For an idea of what the prizes looked like:Top three for SSFIV are Jitters (RUFUS) with $247, 200 Yen (Sagat,Dictator) $71, Mike Chow (Able) $36. So lets show the SSFIV players how hype Brawl can get!

Here is a link to the MLG rulings, only changes is we will allow wavebirds unless there are objections.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl | 1v1: Rules & Settings - 2010 MLG Pro Circuit: Columbus - Major League Gaming

I wanted to post the rules for the upcoming tournament. If for any reason there is any concern about the rules please let me know so we can work with you the community. Thanks! Im not sure how I feel about some of the lvls. Aka Brinstar and such so I will be testing out the levels for competitive play and may not include them for our tournament.
Last edited by Schmidtnurface, 4:15 PM

Castle Siege
Delfino Plaza
Final Destination
Lylat Cruise
Pokémon Stadium
Yoshi?s Island

Here list of the stages that will be used in the tournament.