lk.tatsu > lk

So a tatsu loop continues with light kick.

How do people do this? I’ve tried for hours in training mode but I can’t do it.

Probably doesn’t help I can’t plink this. How do people plink lk?

Thanks for the help!

ya actually can plink it with the select button. But I don’t think most people have that option of modding their sticks. I still can’t do it 100% of the time but I think my best advice here is to just keep on practicing and be comfortable with the timing.

I’d be more comfortable if I could hit it at least once ;( I’m guessing people don’t plink lk for it then?

How do you plink lk?

You can double tap it, instead of plinking it, but imo it’s not really necessary. Just practice it until you can do it.

with the select button. ya can plink light attacks with the select button but correct me if i’m wrong tho.

Yeah that’s true, but you have to rewire it if you want to use it on your own arcade stick, which isn’t viable for most people.

got the lk.tatsu to link. now to link that to another tatsu ;(

plinking will make your life much easier. Also, are you starting the loop with lk.tatsu,

pretty sure there should be a fierce in there somewhere :wink:

i’m breaking it down. cause i could never do it.
lk.tatsu,, lk.tatsu, cr.hp > ex.tatsu
or is that string wrong?
I’m a beginner!

uh try that again lol. (although I’m sure that that would work but it’s probably not ideal damage wise plus its A BIT difficult plinking lk…just a bit)

lk.tatsu, st.fierce, lk.tatsu, cr.fierce, ex.tatsu


lk.tatsu, st.fierce, lk.tatsu, cr.fierce, lk.tatsu, xx ex.tatsu


lk.tatsu, cr.fierce, lk.tatsu, cr.fierce, lk.tatsu, xx ex.tatsu

or, lk.tatsu,, lk.tatsu, cr.fierce, lk.tatsu, xx ex.tatsu

I’m sure I’m missing another one…but check the combo thread.

so basically the plan is to now try and link lk.tatsu, xx ex.tatsu

thanks chief!


throw a fierce in there.

for practice do this…lk.tatsu, st.fierce, lk tatsu, (or xx ex.tatsu

looks difficult…it isn’t.

Tatsu loops are done with, cl.St.Mk, c.Hp, and St.Lk.

St. Lk will finish your combo (example: lk tatsu xx srk/ex tatsu) because you cannot combo another lk tatsu after.

Different characters will allow you to extend your tatsu loops due to their bigger hitbox, but 2 universal punish tatsu loop combos looks like this. xx lk tatsu, cr.hp/ xx ender
Focus crumple, dash, lk tatsu, xx lk tatsu, cr.hp/ xx ender and St. Lk are 2 frame links so I recommend using them for consistency. Any other button is a one frame link (cr. Hp, St. Mk).

the huge tatsu loops that ive seen require the cr.hp after: lk tatsu, st.hp, lk tatsu… that next cr.hp completely illudes me. its hit or miss with that and its starting to get a little annoying maybe i just cant feel the timing idk. also then throwing like shory fadc to st.hp starting all over i have no clueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

It takes a while to get the timing down, especially the shouoken fadc hp link. Learning how to plink will help a ton.