List of Ticks

^True for all characters. I mean, except for some fierce and roundhouse attacks Blanka can tick with every move he’s got. What’s the point of this thread again?

I think the purpose of this thread is to gather all known ticks and how they are used. I think we covered most of the basic ones (honda ochio, boxers grab, giefs tick SPD), but perhaps were forgetting something…

(Btw, I love your site. I check it daily for new Super Turbo media.)

Only Zangief really has the luxury of being able to use almost all of his moves as ticks since his spd range is greater than the distance his moves push him out to. Even Hawk really only has a few good ground ticks, like crouching jab, crouching strong, close standing forward, and an occasional standing jab. For Gief, different normals are used in different tick situations. For example, you don’t normally use crouching strong, but you do on a waking Blanka because it beats rolls, so you still win if the Blanka player wakes up with a roll.

Anyway, maybe I’ll make a list of his ticks and their uses in the future.


One of the things that makes SF2 (and Capcom games generally) great is that it’s a high initiative game. In contrast to, say, Samurai Shodown 2 (as an extreme example) where the median move has very poor initiative. So in SF2 you’re thinking about spacing and priority while in SS2 you gotta worry about block and counter all the time. It follows from this that a shitload of moves can be used for ticks. So, with Ryu, jump anything plus all light and medium crouching attacks. Add to this early okiseme attacks (Guile crouching forward, Fei close fierce, Dhalsim close roundhouse, whateverthefuck) and you can tick with almost anything.

(psst, SF3TSguy the uncorrupt Otochun-ShinDhal movie is up. gogogo)

I was only talking ground ticks, and crouching short and standing short aren’t really among Hawk’s good ones in the sense that they don’t put him at the same kind of advantage; character-specific exceptions like the occasional crouching strong, close standing forward, and crouching forward aside, (O) Hawk basically uses jumping jab, jumping splash, jumping forward, and crouching jab to tick. By contrast, Gief needs standing short, standing strong, crouching short, crouching jab, crouching forward, jumping short, jumping down+short, jumping forward, jumping down+forward, and jumping fierce splash against nearly everyone, and things like crouching strong, far standing jab, jumping roundhouse, jumping fierce, and jumping jab are necessary for character-specific ticks.

Ryu’s useful ticks generally include crouching short, jumping short, jumping jab, jumping forward, jumping roundhouse and the occasional close crouching forward or and very-occasional crouching strong. Can you use jumping fierce? Sure, you can, but it doesn’t give you any advantages over his other ticks. Most characters have half a dozen or so usable ticks, but Gief is the only one with important and usable ticks at almost every move.