Everyone loves option selects, they keep you protected from lots of stuff.
Is there any place that has a list of option selects? If not, list the ones you can think of here.
What I can think of:
Crossup Option Select (if you don’t know which way an attack will hit, just tap forward. If it’s a crossup, you’ll block it, if it’s not, you’ll parry it.)
SGGK (Down parry, then do a kara throw. If you parried something with the down parry, whatever button you used to kara throw will hit the opponent. It’s ideal to use something that can combo into a super. If you didn’t parry anything, you will throw them)
And uh…I think Nataku told me that he does a forward parry before every throw to stop people from jabbing him out of throws, but that’s kind of the same as SGGK.
You forgot the oldest option select of them all: down[hold]>lp+lk
used to counter both low parryable attacks and to tech throws on wake-up.
Depending on character you can followup with jab jab super.
Hey zenfire I used to do something like that. Aren’t you invulnerable to throws on wakeup though? would you only use that one as soon as you lose the invulnerability?
Yes, you’re unthrowable for something like 5 or 6 frames I believe, which is a very short time. As you get up, by the time you do the crouching throw-tech part of the option select you WILL be throwable.
Holding instead of tapping means you’re going for the crouching tech which IS by all means less reliable than actually doing a throw yourself (which going back to neutral essentially does). Since if you both throw you will have 1 more frame for teching theirs (on grab frame) plus there’s a chance you actually pull your throw off before theirs in which case you win (third option being they tech YOUR throw). The downside being you could whiff a throw, which obviously sucks. Also, if the parry comes out you can combo off of the low jab into something that does lot more damage than a throw, making it more efficient. Pros and cons on either option.
just crouch tech. adding the down parry in there is just an unnecessary risk. if you’re going to down parry you might as well at least try to combo something better than a jab off if you get it.
Hey guys how easy is crouch tech to do? Sounds pretty hard to time it right, it’s obviously not like a normal tech where you just throw at the same time…you’re just gonna jab.
well assuming you’re on wakeup, you should really do it after uve been awake for a tiny bit, then, the outcomes are as follows:
opponent throws after u being a awake for 5 frames, i think thats the time they have to wait b4 you can be thrown. If this happens, you tech.
they stand around for too long, you throw out the crouching jab or kara’ed move and gain your space back.
they throw you, so that the throw impacts in the frames between you starting the jab, and the jab actually hitting, so for kens cr.jab, there would be maybe a 3-4 frame window in which a throw would actually beat the cr.tech technique.
It is worth using, but obv depends on the character, necros wakeup cr moves are slooow. U can also change the technique up depending on your character, and whether you think the opponent will fish for any parries. virtually all cr.jabs can be parried high or low, so a cr.lk~ lp kara tech would be safer from parries generally. However, in general, cr jabs are equal to or maybe a bit faster than cr lks, so thats less of a window in which you can actually be thrown.
necro’s back+lk is 2 frames, beats HELLA shit, and chains into s.mp for a hit confirm into sa3, also it will combo into jab hook from close range by itself, PLUS his c.jab is really, really bad.
secondly, you cant do a “c.lk~lp” crouch tech. you have to press both buttons at the same time to crouch tech.
crouch teching is not safe, its just safer than whiffing the throw. if someone knows you will try to crouch tech they can most definitely punish you for it. blocking low is still the safest option, but if you have a strong feeling they will throw you try it, but don’t think by crouch teching you’ve found the end all be all to throw mixups.
No epsilon, you can indeed so cr lk~lp to perform a tech, its been tried and tested. If you feel you have the need to tech someones throw, its safer than a whiffed throw because the entire frames of the move, startup and recovery etc, and going to be shorter than the startup and whiff animation of the whiffed throw. Of course meaties will beat it, but thats why you delay once uve woken up. There are however other options, some of which are dangreous, but DO work, such as wakeup karathrow for opponents who walk forwards and backwards.
ok, 3 that’s still extremely fast and not “very slow” in the least.
as far as the “you can tech throw’s using lp~lk” im testing it in training mode, and i dont know if its more difficult than crouch teching normally or what, but i don’t think im getting it, and if i am, i cant tell because there’s no input display, however it leads me to believe you CAN’T do it this way because whenever i see japanese people crouch tech c.jab comes out, and if there was a way to consistently get c.short out instead they would be doing it.
You can kara any move into a a cr tech, I certainly cant do 100% of the time, but thats maybe becos im not used to doing lk karas in general, but ill post up a vid of it working sometime soonish.
im sure it may work, but im also sure its extremely difficult to do consistently and you will most likely end up getting thrown more than just trying it the other way. karaing from crouch moves is difficult. you know you can kara-karakusa with makoto’s c.rh for a large range increase, but no one does it because its extremely difficult to do consistently.
The crouch tech jab option select is really a judgement call. If you get meatied, your gonna eat crouch damage, making the risk pretty damn high. You’re almost better off focusing on how to react on wake up, rather than relying on an option select.
Option selects have their uses and gimmicks. But I wouldn’t be using them alot, they often get spotted after the first use and will be punished hard.
Depends on the player, everyone decent is going to mix things up, having another tool to counter certain things is hardly a bad thing, only if repeated. Use it if you wish, i know i will.