List of CO-OP fighting games

does bleach ds count?

Does it have a mode where people can play on a team?

Dreamcast port of MvC1 had a co-op mode.

Warzard/Red Earth!!!
There was also another RPG/Fighter but I can’t remember the name (It was something like Moquester, Maquester???)

EDIT: It’s called Metamoqester

Jump Super Stars
Jump Ultimate Stars
Guardian Heroes
Gundam Vs Series

Yu Yu Hakusho Makyou Toitsusen
Dragon Ball Z

Wow that game looks really good. Prolly going to get that.

One of the younger Virtua On games had Co-op play (2 vs 2). Proto Gundam vs.
I have to read up which one it was…

Oh yeah, Cyber-Troopers: Virtua On Force

seems someone agrees with me in a way. Though they mention the ninja storm series - which does not have co op. The clash of ninja series does, not sure on the gameplay differences.

I remember playing a 2 on 2 fighting game where you could pick a white dogi karate guy, a big wrestler looking guy and maybe someone else? Fun game but I can’t remember what the name of it was

ConR is basically a better Bloody Roar

Not sure if these count:
Perfect KO
Dungeon Fighter: