Lili's Master and Apprentice "Mirror" Sessions

I’m looking for good Lili players to battle off against to learn the mirror matchups but also to absorb useful mixups, setups, footsies, and strategies of other good Lili players. This could be beneficial for both Lili players so feel free to add me.

Location: California
Style: Simple & Aggressive
Comment: I don’t combo whore with her, I keep her combos simple yet still effective in damage.

PSN:: Soulzityr
Location: US East
I’m noob but I’d love to learn more Lili play :slight_smile:

San Jose

psn ichigo334 I am actually gonna pick up lili

If you’re ever on XBL add me ~


PSN : ahchamna
level with lili: beginner status
Region: also San jose

I’ve been playing Lili since release, so I’m pretty experienced. I can show some safe block strings, mix ups, gimmicks and etc. Add me if you want some Lili practice.

Psn ID - ReallyTense.

PSN: DckChang
Location: San Diego, CA

PSN: TheFury215
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (East coast)
I feel i’m pretty competent with Lili and her options.

I am god awful at mirror matches in every game I play but yeah here
PSN: Bunnycap (for those who can’t see are blind to 9pt font)
Location:Berkeley, California
You’re probably going to [S]make me look like I just bought the game. --__–[/S] get [S]wrecked[/S] some valuable information on this character

Location : US West - California - Orange County

Lili - Ryu main, always up for mirror matches with other Lili’s

PSN: Devilstar22
Location: New Jersey
Lili-Cody/Lili-other options