:l: - Light Atk
- Medium Atk
:h: - Hard Atk
:s: - Launcher
:atk: - Any Atk
- Back
:d: - Down
:f: - Forward
:u: - Up
^ - Super Jump Cancel from Launch
j - Jump
sj- Super Jump
jc - Jump Cancel
~ - Link(combos), Approximate(data)
xx - Cancel
[ ] - brackets will be used to enclose sequences that will be repeated
WH - Whirlwind - :qcf::atk:
TP - Typhoon - :qcb::atk:
LA - Lightning Attack - Any direction + :atk: + :s:
LS - Lightning Sphere - :dp::atk:
Fly - :qcb::s: (fly will appear as “Fly”)
AD - Air-Dash - Any direction + :atk::atk:
IF - Instant Float - :u::u:j:s:/j:h:
Hail Storm - :qcb::atk::atk:
Lightning Storm - :qcf::atk::atk:
Elemental Rage - :dp::atk::atk:
J. :h: has more hitstun than J. :s: but the tradeoff is more damage, starting out it’s easier to use IF :h: than :s:
Off of an Air throw you can usually get more damage by raw tagging to other characters and gain more meter due to the scaling reset, when creating teams keep this in mind
Unlike MVC2 Storm cannot act after any Lightning Attack, so make sure when performing LAs they hit or else you could find yourself severly punished
Storm’s air normals are dash cancellable, leading to combo, resets, mixups, and blockstring options
Storm can make use of the input nullifcation technique, canceling flight with :qcb::s::atk: making her TAC infinites easier
BNB Compiltation
Basic BNBs
:l:, , cr. :h:, JC, J.
, J.
, J. :h:, St.
, Cr. :h:, :s:, J
:h::s:, :qcb::atk::atk:
Meter Gain:
:l:, , cr. :h:, JC, J. :h:, adf, J. :h:, St.
, Cr :h:, :s:, J
:h::s:, :qcb::atk::atk:
Meter Gain:
The easiest and most damaging BnBs available to Storm out the gate, work on getting this two down until you don’t drop them before moving onto harder options
Intermediate BNBs
Advanced BNBs
Air Throw Combos
Air throw, L TY, land, SJ, UF LA, F LA, UF, LA, :qcf::atk:
TAC Combos
Notation: TAC hit Whiff falling S, Jump straight up J. :l:, J. :h:, adf, J. :h:, fly, J. :l:, J. :h:, addf, J. :h:, unfly :h:
Side TAC
Notation: TAC hit ADDF, Fly, ADD, Jump straight up J. :l:, J. :h:, adf, J. :h:, fly, J. :l:, J. :h:, addf, J. :h:, unfly :h:
Down TAC
Notation: Jump straight up J. :l:, J. :h:, adf, J. :h:, fly, J. :l:, J. :h:, addf, J. :h:, unfly :h:
Corner Starter Variants