Life As A Broadway Star: The Felicia Video Thread

This character is ridiculously slept on.

Even though he busted out some cool Felicia stuff Zero was doing most of the work for him so I think the majority of the bandwagon would go to him :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember Seth mentioning Felicia’s untapped potential, hopefully we’ll start seeing some of that coming out :3

They’ll feel the music soon enough…

I didn’t see any Toy Touch canceling into Rolling Buckler whiff slide into PHM shenanigans, so it’s all good lol

I am pretty sure Felicia is a better character than a LOT of people expected, now I just gotta prove it. :3

You guys might wanna watch these so you can visually see the Toy Touch combos.

On the front page there’s a bit more footage of J.Wongs Zero/Felicia/Doom team. Was uploaded a couple days ago… Have fun sifting through the 3.5 of Marvel on there trying to find it though. =P

Yeah I saw it, he seemed to be doing some simplistic combos with c.LMHS rather than juggling with Rolling Buckler but he was getting plenty of throws in and a good use of Kitty Helper. James Chen also used her, did well with her despite losing 2-1 so hat’s off to him :3

Just shows that people have no idea how to handle her. If Wong was doing basic things with her and the opponent didn’t know how to escape it, than that only proves my point.

Nobody knows how to play against Felicia lol

djhuo has recorded some cool combos , nothing out of the ordinany but cool regardless




The second one is actually pretty decent for one meter and more practical since it starts midscreen.

Acutally for those who are looking for match videos he has a few recorded too.
YouTube - djhuo’s Channel


Is there anything he could’ve done against all that Wesker BS?

Look for air throws like at the start methinks. One thing I’ve noticed from his videos is lack of Delta Kick, I believe M version will get you back in from advancing guard and also not go over the top if they don’t use advancing guard.

He’s still a great deal better than me though :stuck_out_tongue:

Guys, start using Delta kick more. I am dead serious with this. It is AMAZING.

I’m always using Delta Kick. Great for keeping the pressure, especially when you’ve got them in a corner using Kitty Helper.

Modify range of level 3

I’m not sure if this is known yet, but you can modify the distance of Felicia’s PHM by holding M or H. If you want it to go to roughly the middle of the screen, you hold M, and if you want it to go basically clear across the screen, you press H. I was able to combo million dollars directly into it [media=youtube]BxP1cEOd8EA"[/media].

There’s a ton more uses for this such as countering HSF/beam supers on reaction. It actually counters so effectively, that if ryu starts his super hadouken, you can start your PHM (if you get caught in the beam, you can XFC->PHM) - at that point, if he dhc’s out into, say, Doom’s Time, then it will hit Doom. On block, with HSF, you don’t even need to XFC - you can PHM during the block stun.

I thought this was a little bit nutty. Hope this helps…


Wow. Never knew that. Excellent info, gonna go try this out.

Does anyone know if there is anymore footage of Justin Wong’s Felicia besides the FADC money matches? I thought he used her at one of the WNF too but can’t seem to find the videos.