Level 3


Hey guys! My friend has started up a new tournament series he has entitled “Level 3” to take place in the Orange County area and perhaps beyond. On June 2, he is hosting their first tournament in Lake Forest at CGC, a gaming cafe. Here is the information pulled from the Facebook group, which you are all welcome to join as well and which I help administrate:


“First of many “Level 3” tournaments featuring UMVC3 and SF:AE! Please bring your own sticks, or arrange with somebody else to use theirs. This will be held at CGC cyber cafe, right off the El Toro exit on the 5, near the Guitar Center and Costume Castle. It will be starting at approx. 7 pm. If you are going to be late, message me on here and let me know that, so I can make the proper arrangements. It will be on 2 different streams. It is sponsored by Game Stop and they may be having a giveaway.
There will be no venue fee but a 10$ entry fee for the first game and then if you decide to enter the other game, it will be 5$ for that one. So if you would like to play in both UMVC3 as well as SF:AE it will be 15$ total.
It will be standard tourney rules.
Best 3 of 5
Team switch only permitted to loser
Double Elimination
60/30/10 Payout to 1st 2nd and 3rd
Due remember that this is the VERY FIRST one of hopefully a long season. Remember that if you come, have fun, and return; because the payout will be getting bigger as time goes on and as this name hopefully gets bigger.
All of this info is tentative and subject to change, but most likely will not. If anything changes it wont be huge, most likely time.”

If you guys have any question, feel free to ask me here or join the Facebook group, where you can ask either me or Ian (the person in charge of setting up Level 3 and the tournaments). Thanks for taking a look! Hope to have some of you guys there to kick butt and take names!