Raiden owns in this game. It would be great to have VDO, rsigley, psycochronic, and whoever else uses him seriously to share their knwoledge of the character.
His best groove in my opinion is undoubtedbly K. Followed by N/P. I am not sure about his RC potential though nor his CC. I just dont see him benefitting from the C-grooves features due to loss of mobility, and apart for level 1 rush super, I dont see him doing much with S-groove.
crouching forward has deceptive reach, standing medium kick is a pretty good poke, and down fierce is an ok anti-air. foot-stomp is not as sick as in cvs1.
his jump ins, such as light kick, medium kick, roundhouse and downfierce punch are pretty good for attacking.
Air to air: jumping medium? Im not sure about this, but ive seen it beat out vega’s jumpin attacks cleanly much like Chang’s attack.
In my opinion, if u face a K groove or P groove user who has a medium to large character in their team, knocking down that character in the corner may spell their doom cause of one move: the acid spit.
the acid spit is a very fast guard breaker, and the best part is that when the opponent blocks it, Raiden stays in place, and gets various options including:
-another spit
-crouching medium kick spit (great to mixup parry happy peeps)
-walk a bit, 360
-crouching forward, rush special (yeah i dont know the name of his moves mk)
-instant low jump attack
also, the spit is pretty good rc electicity in the corner only if distanced correctly.
The biggest downfall is the horrible lag if whiffed…so one should be careful when attempting such setups against “roll” grooves.
I have found no use for his “bulldog” special (dp+punch).
Drop kicks are ok for beating whiffed pokes or catching peeps by surprise.
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